Accident repair



VIP Member
T5 SE 180
I've just stoves in the front of our Cali running into the back of someone in a queue.

Front end damage to bumper, slam panel, rad, intercooler, driver headlights as well as bonnet, front wing. Looks a bit sorry for itself going away on a recovery truck but were both ok and so were the people we hit. Not a high speed smash, even the airbags didnt go off but did a bit of damage to the seat car in front but they were ok despite stiff neck protests.

What happens next? Comfort have details and asked me if there's anywhere I'd like it to go for repair.

Anyone got any advice? The vans near Poole with the recovery co. I live in the new forest. Breeze say they use Poole Audi body shop so I've given comfort that.

Anyone else got any suggestions ?
No suggestions but glad everybody is ok :thumb good luck
Sorry to hear you smashed the front end of your Cali, I would just make sure it goes to a VW approved reapairer :thumb

Your 1/2 way there if comfort are saying where would you like it to go
Gave comfort the Poole Audi number that breeze said they use. Comfort just confirmed they are a recommended repairer and it's going there. Feel a bit better about that. Yep. Glad everyone's ok despite some serious neck rubbing by those I hit.
Hi - Glad everyone is OK

Poole Accident Repair ( I am guessing it is the same guys, as Breeze sent me there and they are VW, Audi, Porsche approved) took care of my California last year when we were rear-ended. They did a great job - so you are in good hands! :D

That's reassuring. It's on it's way there now.....
How long do they take to fix these sort of things?
burko73 said:
How long do they take to fix these sort of things?

I guess it will be relative to the amount of damage, but I think they had my bus for a couple of weeks, but that did include a delay when the first tailgate arrived damaged from VW.

Post some before and after pictures..... Always good to help tell the story.

I picked up on this too late to be of any immediate help, but for future reference I had my Cali repaired by Seward Accident Repair in Poole. They were appointed by the insurer (Direct Line) and did a first class job. Many years ago when they were in Highcliffe they repaired a Honda for me and did a great job then, so I was not concerned that they were not VW appointed.

while my Cali is in warranty I would be concerned about a non approved VW repair
Hy09umu - my calis not in warranty still and I rang breeze VW to ask who they use for their repairs and they said they use poole accident repair, along with their Audi and Porsche franchises.

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