adaptive cruise control / dsg / stop start question

stephen watson

stephen watson

T6 Ocean 150
I tried out my acc in a stop/start traffic queue today for the first time. I'd got the impression from reading the forum, that with DSG, the vehicle would bring itself to a stop when the vehicle in front stops and then accelerate away when it moves off (without having to touch the pedals or controls). I discovered what actually happens is that the ACC stops the vehicle when the car in front stops for a couple of seconds. The ACC then disengages (without pressing the pedals) and it the creeps towards the car in front because it is in Drive. You then need to keep your foot on the brake until the traffic moves off and as the ACC has been automatically reactivated you need to reset it again. Is this correct? Reading the manual it seems that it is to me, but I wonder if I am missing something?
Yep that's correct. Well it's how mine works

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Sounds right to me. The only bit you didn't mention is that you get a visual prompt on the screen saying depress brake pedal and if you don't respond quickly it gives you an audible alert too. I've never felt concerned about bumping the car in front and the emergency braking should kick in to avert that anyway.

Just pressing the resume button will get you going again and build up to the same pre-set speed.
I continually adjust the set speed, in traffic drop it to 20mph (minimum) and it will bimble along. Sometimes it never has to slow to a stop. IF it does foot on the brake as mentioned and then blip the RES button to resume the 20 mph.
Mine works the same. It did its job for me yesterday when a lorry pulled out in front of me in heavy traffic and I had to come almost to a stop from 65. Awesome stopping power (and I was towing)!


VW California Club
