Adaptive Cruise Control in traffic



Just purchased a 6.1 Ocean that's due to be delivered week Wednesday - incredibly excited doesn't come close :)

First of many questions no doubt:

The Ocean comes with "Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with speed limiter including Front Assist with City Emergency Braking System" - my question is, does this allow the Cali to control it's own speed in a traffic jam? So - stop go on the motorway, can I forget about everything except steering?

I wouldn’t use it for this. It is meant for cruising, clue in the name.

Stopping will be jerky and likely cancel out below certain speeds as the adaptive bit attempts to prevent you from crashing.
Not to say the cruise control isn’t good!

Its probably the best I’ve used. And quickly becomes second nature to use on the motorway. I have had mine for a month.
I have it on a car and its ace, fall into a contraflow
when the speed limit is 50, i just set the cruise control to
about 70 and it locks on to the car in front, keeping a safe
distance and keeping up with the flow.

Although when the traffic comes to a standstill i have to reset
it again.
It will work in very very slow crawling traffic, it even works if the car in front only stops for a couple of second or so before it chimes and disengages, at that point you will need to use the brake to be safe. However all you have to do is tap the restart button and it kicks in again and locks onto the car in front as it moves off. In effect in traffic you don’t need to touch the accelerator at all. It’s works really well
It will work in very very slow crawling traffic, it even works if the car in front only stops for a couple of second or so before it chimes and disengages, at that point you will need to use the brake to be safe. However all you have to do is tap the restart button and it kicks in again and locks onto the car in front as it moves off. In effect in traffic you don’t need to touch the accelerator at all. It’s works really well
Definitely agree, even at 1-2mph it stays engaged, I use it all the time even in stop-start traffic
I wouldn’t use it for this. It is meant for cruising, clue in the name.

Stopping will be jerky and likely cancel out below certain speeds as the adaptive bit attempts to prevent you from crashing.
No, it is fine no jerking on mine, if the car in front starts to slow it will mirror it until it stops and then sound an alarm beep and then just start moving slowly until you apply the brakes, just press reset if traffic starts moving. The T6 does not see stopped traffic when it approaches at speed on ACC although it has been mentioned that the T6.1 does.
Just purchased a 6.1 Ocean that's due to be delivered week Wednesday - incredibly excited doesn't come close :)

First of many questions no doubt:

The Ocean comes with "Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with speed limiter including Front Assist with City Emergency Braking System" - my question is, does this allow the Cali to control it's own speed in a traffic jam? So - stop go on the motorway, can I forget about everything except steering?

Yes it works just fine, but because we dont have EPB (electronic parking brake) When the traffic comes to a standstill you will get a warning after three seconds to put your foot on the footbrake at which point it will cut out you can then simply pull away and press resume and it will carry on.

With a bit of practice you can practically use it all of the time wherever you go except for roundabouts! Be very careful when approaching roundabouts following another car because when they go across the roundabout the van will want to carry on and that might just catch you out. :)
Love my ACC, takes a leap of faith first few times you use it, but after that, it’s brilliant.
I hate normal cruise control, just doesn't work on busy roads, but ACC is fantastic.

I do find it leaves braking a bit late when approaching vehicles going slower than your approach speed (when you catch up one lorry overtaking another on a dual carriage way for instance). It's not dangerous, but just makes me nervous when I can see the need to slow down and it hasn't registered yet, so I set the 'distance control' up a bit so it reacts sooner.

Like all these systems, they are a driver aid, not a replacement. It does make long journeys more pleasurable I think. It works just as well on A road as motorways too.
ACC works fine in slow moving traffic....But the DSG clutch will wear out prematurely if you let the ACC crawl around following the car in front in say a traffic jam.

Very low crawling speeds means the clutch has to slip to do this thus increasing its wear rate. Best to stop let a reasonable gap open up to the car in front then move forward at a slow speed say 10mph.

I drive around most of the time using ACC with the exception of traffic jams. Just need to be aware that it can over brake if the car in front slows to turn off the road you are on. Just need to momentarily override the ACC by placing foot on accelerator until you pass the car turning off.
No such thing as a perfect cruise control system but this one comes very very close.
I agree it’s fantastic

VW California Club
