Add vehicle type to your profile



Bourton on the Water
T6 Ocean 150
Many a time I have replied to a post assuming the poser has a Cali SE only to realise they actually have a Beach or a T4 meaning the reply I have given makes no sense to them!

To get round this problem and help people give the correct answer it would be great if we could all update what version of Cali we have in our profile, it will then show up under our avatar for eveyone to see.

This is really easy to do:

>Click on your username at top right
>Select Personal Details in the left hand column
>Next scroll down until you see
Vehicle and select your option from the drop down list
It would be helpful then if the option to choose Beach or SE was given rather than just T5 140, T5 180 etc or am I missing some options on the drop down?
It would be helpful then if the option to choose Beach or SE was given rather than just T5 140, T5 180 etc or am I missing some options on the drop down?

Good point, I have added SE the variation, let us know if we need any other variations to be added?
I would also suggest splitting the beach into the 2 seat or 3 seat rear bench or is that getting too detailed?
Because quite a few people have already selected Beach this may cause a problem as the ones that selected just 'Beach' originally will suddenly find they have been changed to either a 5 or 7 seat. I will look into it though to see if there is a way round it.
Martin, you added Beach and SE but being a bit pedantic about things you really need to add differentiate the Beach engine choices in the same way you have for the SE, or maybe add the engine types to the gearbox choice which might be better, so you'd have T5 Beach and T5 SE as vehicle types and then 140 Manual, 140 DSG etc in gearboxes. Of course then you'd have to rename that transmission and add 4 motion not to upset that constituency.....

Really like all the other changes though. A big improvement! Thanks for all the hard work.
PS to the last note and your previous reply on the Beach.

If you do change the gearbox section as i suggested you should I guess call it drivetrain not transmission.

And for differentiating the Beach types it would be 2 seat or 3 seat as this is the option when ordering and the crucial difference between the two types. It's not the total number of seats.
Lets hope everyone takes this up.
When i was a member of the type two club it was necessary to include this info.

John, you have put yours in your signature, you can now add it to underneath your Avatar:

>Click on your username at top right
>Select Personal Details in the left hand column
>Next scroll down until you see Vehicle and select your option from the drop down list
John, you have put yours in your signature, you can now add it to underneath your Avatar:

>Click on your username at top right
>Select Personal Details in the left hand column
>Next scroll down until you see Vehicle and select your option from the drop down list

None of them listed !!!!!
Why don't you add SE in your vehicle description?
I had selected SE 140, but it somehow changed to 174bhp? (I've changed back now)
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Mine went changed from T5 SE 140 to 174 at some point this afternoon as well -I've just changed mine back.
I've also been promoted to a 174 now back to 140.
Somebody twiddling the buttons at HQ I suspect
I wouldn't want their job!
Mine one will be a Beach 140 4Motion.... no option found for that.

Bear in mind that at some countries you can buy even a Beach 180 DSG 4Motion, I mean, VW provide almost same options for both Beach and SE.
I'm now a T4 high top. Yesterday I was T5 Beach. Can't keep up!
We do seem to have a few teething problems with this, I have now added T5 130, are we missing anything else?
Yep, as I mentioned earlier Beach 140 and Beach 114 so we can differtiate our beaches (so to speak) in the same way the SEs are differentiated by engine size.
T5 Beach 140hp 4Motion as well please

VW California Club
