Luis Zuidema
Monkey Bus Adventures
VIP Member
My first post here and so firstly - hello.
I would like to add a cigarette lighter socket to the leisure battery in my T6 beach. This is inorder to power a small fridge that is to sit between the seats and.to keep the the dash socket free.
I imagine that this should be pretty easy but as I have no experience thought it best to ask first here. Any advice / instruction gratefully received.
Thanking in advance , Lucho
My first post here and so firstly - hello.
I would like to add a cigarette lighter socket to the leisure battery in my T6 beach. This is inorder to power a small fridge that is to sit between the seats and.to keep the the dash socket free.
I imagine that this should be pretty easy but as I have no experience thought it best to ask first here. Any advice / instruction gratefully received.
Thanking in advance , Lucho