Admiral Insurance Wording for covering factory built campers



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T5 SE 180
Just taken out insurance with Admiral on a Multicar policy for a premium of £212 for their Gold Cover. They supplied the enclosed wording in an email as confirmation of acceptance. Hope it helps those who have asked questions in the past.

These vehicles are manufactured as

campervans and are categorised by

Thatcham as cars; therefore we quote

them in the car product.

Some examples include:

Mercedes camper - Marco Polo

Volkswagen camper - Ocean

Ford camper - Custom NuggetFord camper - Custom Nugget

As these vehicles are manufactured as

campers, in the event of a claim we would

cover all the parts that came as standard

with the vehicle plus the increased £500

personal belongings cover for

comprehensive customers.

There is no need to record the camper

fixtures and fittings as modifications, as

these are standard parts of the car.

If the vehicle does have any aftermarket

modifications, these should be recorded


Any queries please do not hesistate to

contact us.
For that price, which is great, I’d take some additional contents insurance. 500 won’t cover all your bits and bobs.
I agree. I read the comforts definition whom I have been with and it only covers pots pans, cloths and so on. High value stuff like Sports gear and electronics weren’t included and I can’t imagine any claim for bits and pieces would be easy given the burden of proof insurers seem to want these days. I concluded I was happy to run with it.
I’m with Admiral too on a multi car policy but mine isn’t that cheap…..
I think they fiddle the savings around between the cars on the policy. M6 other car was only marginally cheaper than the next quote and renews mid year. My vans also a 2012.
I agree. I read the comforts definition whom I have been with and it only covers pots pans, cloths and so on. High value stuff like Sports gear and electronics weren’t included and I can’t imagine any claim for bits and pieces would be easy given the burden of proof insurers seem to want these days. I concluded I was happy to run with it.
Your home contents insurance may well cover the sports equipment and electronics, as they are temporarily removed from your main residence.
Just taken out insurance with Admiral on a Multicar policy for a premium of £212 for their Gold Cover. They supplied the enclosed wording in an email as confirmation of acceptance. Hope it helps those who have asked questions in the past.

These vehicles are manufactured as

campervans and are categorised by

Thatcham as cars; therefore we quote

them in the car product.

Some examples include:

Mercedes camper - Marco Polo

Volkswagen camper - Ocean

Ford camper - Custom NuggetFord camper - Custom Nugget

As these vehicles are manufactured as

campers, in the event of a claim we would

cover all the parts that came as standard

with the vehicle plus the increased £500

personal belongings cover for

comprehensive customers.

There is no need to record the camper

fixtures and fittings as modifications, as

these are standard parts of the car.

If the vehicle does have any aftermarket

modifications, these should be recorded


Any queries please do not hesistate to

contact us.
That all sounds very good, BUT, what degree of cover is given for CAMPING accidents eg: deployed awning ripped of by a sudden squal, roof damaged when up by sudden gust of wind, kitchen fire when making a bacon butty etc:?
Good points. They tell me any internal fires would be covered under the fire provision, as for wind I’ve never really considered that as much of my travel has been wind related so I’m not much of an awning or sleeping upstairs type. I’m not sure if that cover was included under the comforts policy I had last year.
With in weeks will re-new Cali Ocean only have the one vehicle LV offering £395.00, any information welcome to get it down as this will be second year with LV who have been good. Did see some lover quotes from others down to £335.00.

VW California Club
