Against FCO advice travel insurance

As long as you are prepared to take the hit if you or a member of your party are hospitalised with Covid 19, with all that that may entail then it's something to consider.
As long as you are prepared to take the hit if you or a member of your party are hospitalised with Covid 19, with all that that may entail then it's something to consider.

Up until 31 December you will be treated by the Spanish or French state healthcare system. Other than that there’s hotel bills if you need to recuperate or isolate before travel, or in a worst case scenario repatriation by air ambulance or air hearse.

The costs of repatriation can be huge.

Hotel bills for those needing to recuperate or isolate should be affordable to most.

Have I forgotten any other significant costs?
Up until 31 December you will be treated by the Spanish or French state healthcare system. Other than that there’s hotel bills if you need to recuperate or isolate before travel, or in a worst case scenario repatriation by air ambulance or air hearse.

The costs of repatriation can be huge.

Hotel bills for those needing to recuperate or isolate should be affordable to most.

Have I forgotten any other significant costs?
Costs can be dependant on what type of Medical facility you elect or get admitted to, Private or Public, and repatriation costs by Air Ambulance can exceed £100,000 or more.
Costs can be dependant on what type of Medical facility you elect or get admitted to, Private or Public, and repatriation costs by Air Ambulance can exceed £100,000 or more.

In Trier three years ago I met a couple both of whose jobs were pilots for repatriation of Germans in need of urgent medical care. If they charge £100,000 per flight, no wonder they were happy to share their beers with us!
In Trier three years ago I met a couple both of whose jobs were pilots for repatriation of Germans in need of urgent medical care. If they charge £100,000 per flight, no wonder they were happy to share their beers with us!
A medical repatriation flight can be quit involved depending on the patients condition. Simple things like interior air pressure can be problematic. Most modern jets fly at or about 30,000’ which gives an equivalent internal air pressure of 7-8,000’. This can be problematic for patients with respiratory or cardiac problems. To fly with an internal air pressure of ground zero means the aircraft has to fly at a much lower altitude which means significantly increased fuel consumption and air traffic problems because such flights cannot fly in the International Flight Corridors, also significantly longer flight times. It can become quit involved depending on the patient/medical condition.
EHIC isn't a simple show your card and get free medical care which many assume. Which is why Gov advise is to have Travel Insurance as well.

Best to read this info.
We used e111 or whatever in France, you pay up front and claim back. It took 3 months to get money back total of €1850 so beware
We used e111 or whatever in France, you pay up front and claim back. It took 3 months to get money back total of €1850 so beware
Same in the Netherlands and hit with another €600 bill when we got home.
Many tour operators are offering Covid guarantees so that may be less if an issue

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