Perhaps you know the feeling too; not having a great day, getting home, feeling a bit grumpy...
But then hubby says; “The 2nd weekend of December, do we have anything to do? Because I think it’s the only weekend available if we still want to get camping this year.”
And it is if like the sun shines again! Thinking about which area to visit, where to eat, and start feeling ok again. Amazing what a van can do to your spirit!
Oh, and a partner with the idea of using the van
But then hubby says; “The 2nd weekend of December, do we have anything to do? Because I think it’s the only weekend available if we still want to get camping this year.”
And it is if like the sun shines again! Thinking about which area to visit, where to eat, and start feeling ok again. Amazing what a van can do to your spirit!
Oh, and a partner with the idea of using the van