Living with CWD.



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T6 Beach 150
If any of you have ever suffered from CWD you with know how dismal some days can be.

Having woken up this morning to a glorious September Saturday, all thoughts immediately turned to where we could bolt off to. That was shortly followed by a sinking feeling once i'd realised that instead, I was just going to have to do some house work ,cut the weeds again and at least give that "jobs to do" list a glance.

Anyone suffering from CWD will know the feeling. Your shoulders droop, your bottom lip starts to quiver and any house mates, animal or human, keep a low profile having recognised those familiar tell tail signs. You might go off your fodder and take on a pale palour whilst pining for the big out doors. You'll find yourself facing the front window with a thousand yard stare looking at the empty space once occupied by your Cali. Yes, California Withdrawal Disorder can be worrying. All those jobs that you could swerve with ease when you had a Cali are now staring you full in the face. Oooof !

Can anyone recommend a treatment? ..........and don't say golf!
I'm can't help. I'm faced with the consequences of too much Cali-ing over a 7 year period. Catching up with the DIY may take some time!

VW California Club
