And off we go


The Now

Hi there, we are Rob and Angela from the netherlands.
We just got our new California 4 motion, and leaving the country for ever :))
The start is the 1st of may

I will let Angela write more about us soon. She is the one with better english

Nice to meet you all and maybe we meet ones


Camper Siera Nevada.jpg
Re: And of we go

Hi rob welcome along
Great picture by the way. I have one question for you what is that covering your bike rack?
I havnt seen anything like that before.
Scenery looks great :thumb
Re: And of we go

Thanks calikev,

what you see is a bikerack with a storebox on it.
I thought it was nice to paint it all in the same color of the car.
I put all my golfstuff and walking gear in it. Super and it holds 50 kilogram.

What i also did, was building in stronger springs to holding the rear open.
And it cost me 70 euros.

Cheers and we look forward to come over and meet a lot of you
Hi Rob. That is a striking photograph..
Hi Rob,

great pic!

Where did you get your Cali from? I've just put a deposit down on one in the Netherlands. Due in May I hope. From Volkswagen Campercentrum Nederland

have a great trip
Hi Jim,

thats the place I got it from :))
This monster is so fast that it goes up just as quick as going down ha ha

Hope that you are driving soon !!

Enjoy the moment


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