Anyone else had this problem by any chance?



T5 SE 140
We haven't had our van for a whole week as it is back at VW garage being sorted (hopefully).
For a couple of months after driving for 20 mins or so, the airbag symbol has lit up and the stop/start system has stopped working showing an error and occasionally but not consistently, the central locking has unlocked itself.
The garage mechanics are scratching their heads so just wondering if this problem sounds familiar to anyone out there?
Unfortunately no. Cannot find anything on that combination of problems. I hope you're Dealership is in contact with VW Technical in Germany.
Unfortunately no. Cannot find anything on that combination of problems. I hope you're Dealership is in contact with VW Technical in Germany.
Thanks WG, we hope so too. We'll check tomorrow.
Check the wiring harness under the seat that runs over to the seat belt catch.
Some other VW models have an issues where the cables get stretched and pull apart. That can cause issues with the seat belt pretentioner and would cause the airbag system fault.

Just a thought...
Had a tool light showing...vans been over two weeks away getting fixed! They tried everything before they finally decided they had to change some gear electronics thing....luckily under warranty!
Had a tool light showing...vans been over two weeks away getting fixed! They tried everything before they finally decided they had to change some gear electronics thing....luckily under warranty!
Well I bet you're glad that they were able to sort it. Ours is under warranty too fortunately and just hoping they will find a solution but I have a feeling they might not be able to. We need to know if air bags still work really, less bothered about the stop/start system.
Does the unlocking occur anywhere or just in one location.
We have remote operated lights at home and one of our neighors car remote turns them off. There are designated frequencies for wireless remotes and whilst they are usually heavily coded sometimes tyhey throw a wobbler.
The company I worked for use radio controls with frequency hopping and digital coding to prevent it interfering with (and being interferred with) other machinery but one particular installation caused all the VW vehicles in the car park to unlock.
Does the unlocking occur anywhere or just in one location.
We have remote operated lights at home and one of our neighors car remote turns them off. There are designated frequencies for wireless remotes and whilst they are usually heavily coded sometimes tyhey throw a wobbler.
The company I worked for use radio controls with frequency hopping and digital coding to prevent it interfering with (and being interferred with) other machinery but one particular installation caused all the VW vehicles in the car park to unlock.
Best if local car thieves don't get wind of this! The unlocking on our van is just the sliding door, very odd.
Thank you for all your suggestions and we're happy to report that we now have the van back and the problem seems to have been resolved. A loose wire connection was detected somewhere below the carpet at the front of the vehicle and sorted out -sorry for being unable to give a more technical explanation. Fingers crossed this was the culprit.

VW California Club
