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Days out

Days out

T6 Ocean 150
:)Thought I'd post this game we played on the long (310mile) drive home yesterday from Cornwall. We had played car snooker, A to Z of car colours (yes there is a colour starting with Q) and I spy etc and the children were getting very bored as we got stuck in traffic on the M5/M6 junction and I came up with a new game (not sure if anyone has done this before?)

A-Z Lorry / sign writing / company name spotting.

Basically Find a Lorry with the company name starting with A and then move on to B etc. find the whole alphabet up to Z. Easy? Well we managed to get from A at the M5/M6 junction and got to Y as we turned off at J16. Still haven't found a Lorry company name starting with Z yet.

Anyone care to beat our record?

Have fun.
When we take our three nearest grandchildren (2,4 and 6) out in our Cali we have often played, at their suggestion, spot the tractor. The eldest quickly realised the potential for a high score by taking ownership of all the highly numerous green ones, usually with yellow wheels. The four year old chose red ones whilst the two year old was told that she had to have the much rarer yellow tractors. Well invariably the game will usually start off well enough but as the scores start to mount up unevenly the game usually desends into first screaming, then the fur and feathers start to fly and usually ends with the driver throwing his toys out of the pram. Game over.

Oh the joys of motoring with little ones!
:)Thought I'd post this game we played on the long (310mile) drive home yesterday from Cornwall. We had played car snooker, A to Z of car colours (yes there is a colour starting with Q) and I spy etc and the children were getting very bored as we got stuck in traffic on the M5/M6 junction and I came up with a new game (not sure if anyone has done this before?)

A-Z Lorry / sign writing / company name spotting.

Basically Find a Lorry with the company name starting with A and then move on to B etc. find the whole alphabet up to Z. Easy? Well we managed to get from A at the M5/M6 junction and got to Y as we turned off at J16. Still haven't found a Lorry company name starting with Z yet.

Anyone care to beat our record?

Have fun.

We used to do something similar. Last letter of the truck company begins the next. However, that comes to a halt when you pass lots of Asda trucks so they were banned. :talktothehand
I just told my kids to keep quiet or else I would give them a history lecture :shocked

VW California Club
