Hi Cosmic
Here a pic of the ikea ones that fit under the seat, bigger than the OEM
Part numbers in the photos

Can fit a bungee cord to make removal easier
Three draws will fit under the three seat bench, the lids fit as well, v usefull when on-site as they can be removed and stored elsewhere if needed, such as ambient food storage, cards/ games, electronic items, chargers etc.
The first code is the box, second is the lid - sold separately
If the boxes were missing, was anything else?
Front and side window blinds ( grey fabric, magnetic attachment)
12v Cigarette lighter torch
Safety net for upper bed
240v two pin adapter cable
Two front door pocket bins ( with lids)
One cup and cup holder for the rear ( clips into table slot in panel trim)
First aid kit, warning triangle
Car jack etc.
Alloy wheel locking key (adaptor)
SD card for Sat Nav
Heater remote