Bluetooth NSV vs Premium kit



VIP Member
North Hertfordshire
T6.1 Ocean 150
I thought that my option choices were done ...and I was relaaaxing. But now a conversation has made me question my bluetooth choice.

I have specified NSV bluetooth. I want to be able to receive phone calls handsfree and play my music stored on the iPhone through the car system. I'll be having the MFSW and RCD310 with DAB.

Am I better off having the slightly more expensive Bluetooth premium ("Bluetooth touch phone music kit" p35 in the new brochure) that provides an extra unit on the dash? The brochure indicates I can control the unit with my voice. Not sure if this just phone or music though. As it is removable I wonder if it will also encourage theft.

Interested in any user feedback or opinion between the two options. I also wonder if there are compatibility issues re an earlier thread (albeit in relation to a more complex sound system):
Sorry Acer, I was being a bit blonde and didn't know what NSV meant to assumed that was the premium bluetooth :doh I also didn't know that the premium bluetooth would provide an extra unit on the dash; I thought it was just a voice-controlled system that was integrated with the MFSW. I may be completely wrong though as I didn't question this with the dealer or on the forum - I just opted for premium bluetooth because it meant I could answer the phone from the steering wheel and was only slightly more expensive than the ordinary bluetooth.

I will be interested to know what others say about this as I'm sure there must be lots of members with bluetooth of one sort or the other!

I've just googled NSV - seems its the name of the company that makes the Bluetooth. Nothing blonde there Maud. And if so, I think that the dealers are equally fair headed :lol:
I'm pretty sure that the bluetooth is integrated when factory fitted - like this ... /#tabs-1-2 whereas the device in your link looks like an aftermarket accessory that you could buy to upgrade...

I hope someone who has the premium bluetooth replies as I am confused now! :crazy

Sorry, I don't think that link worked, Acer. Here it is again:

I have just looked again at the one in your link and it does say 'only for vehicles without factory fit phone preparation' at the bottom so I think that must be an aftermarket accessory and the factory fit one is all integrated into he radio or Satnav :D

Thanks Maud,
I don't think that that website address is definitive either. It is a general one for VW and doesn't mention the California in its "suitable for vehicles" tab (although it does list the Transporter). It also refers to an optional aux-in on the RCD310. On the new price list the "RCD310 with DAB+" comes with aux-in.

At the moment I'm thinking that this NSV Bluetooth provides a little button on the dash to push, or on the MFSW, and then yes you can talk to your phone.

I think that the "Bluetooth premium" in the November price list, is the same thing as "Bluetooth Touch Phone Music Kit" in the June brochure. I'm not clear what extra functionality this provides (with the RCD 310 with DAB+). Therefore, I'm not sure if it is worth cluttering the dashboard. I've also seen it (or similar units) have a wire coming out of the back running around the dash and I want things tidy.

Your right Maud, someone on here will be able to clear this up.
Morning, Acer :D

I have just googled again and found this ... -interface it doesn't explain how it works without a touchscreen satnav/radio but I would think it's just a button on the radio or you can use the steering wheel. I'm pretty sure that at least one of the Calis I test drove had premium Bluetooth and there was no extra device or wires on the dash - just the normal radio. Also,I definitely ordered 'Bluetooth premium' from the June price list not 'Bluetooth touch phone music kit' so I think they must be different things unless the option has changed in the November list. I really hope it is integrated as I thought because I woulnt want something extra cluttering up the dash either :? My parents Discovery has voice/steering wheel controlled Bluetooth which works seamlessly through the integrated satnav system so I'm hoping the Cali one will do the same through the radio.

Come on guys - help us newbies out please! This is all very confusing :crazy
I'm glad you brought it up Acer because, as I said, I had never thought to question this and you have got me thinking now!

Yes Maud, same as the Discovery. Premium bluetooth and MFSW, you will be able to do exactly the same.
Thanks Larrylamb; I am relieved as I think it would be too late to change anything on my order now!



I reckon as you are going for the MFSW anyway, Acer, the extra cost is worth it to get the voice and steering wheel controls as it's not a huge price difference :thumb
Yes, will definitely have Bluetooth, its just getting the right one for me - whether the "Bluetooth touch phone music kit" is worthwhile. Sorry if I caused you a panic Maud.
Sorry Acer, I was confused and thought you meant that the factory fitted premium Bluetooth is the same as the Bluetooth touch phone audio kit in the accessories brochure. I just want a factory fitted, integrated system for the phone and music streaming but don't need the extra touch screen device on the dash as I will just use the voice and steering wheel controls. It doesn't take a lot to confuse me :D There are so many options when you start looking at all the additional accessories too, and that's just the ones from VW! Good luck choosing :D
I did think the premium was with the touchphone kit but now I don't think it is. I think your spec is what I have in mind for me too. I'm hoping a chat with a dealer tomorrow might clear things up.
None of the bluetooth units will have either 'wires over the dash' or extra buttons on the dash. They will enable you to use the MFSW to control phone.

RCD310 with DAB+ will not display phone book or any phone related things as far as I know. Phone book & call details will come up on DIS & can be controlled from MFSW.
There is some confusion here.

If you look in the Cali Brochure - I have to 2014 version in from of me, but probably the same in all.

If you are looking in the accessories section you will see an "NSV" or an "BLUETOOTH® TOUCH PHONE MUSIC KIT". Neither of these are genuine VW Bluetooth units. Your Cali will be built in Germany and then will be modified in the UK by your VW dealer.

(This is the same for Kenwood stereo on the same page - your cali will be built with a RCD310 and then changed at the dealer. And to be honest I don't want a dealer taking my brand new cali apart!!!)

I am not saying the accessories are not very good, but they will not be as integrated / stealth as the proper VW factory fitted stuff.

If you want the factory fitted Bluetooth then look in the VW Cali Pricelist and look for either:

Bluetooth® – includes multi-function display £240.00 inc Vat


Bluetooth® premium – includes multi-function display, voice controlled/remote SIM access profile (rSAP) and hands-free profile (HFP) £252.00 inc VAT

For the extra 12 quid I would get the rSAP version, but not vital - I think all version these days support Bluetooth audio (A2DP) - I have the rSAP version and don't knowingly use any of the extra features.

Hope that helps.

Tony the teeboy switches the lights on and gets a promotion to CEO!

In short, I was confusing options with add-ons. Page 5 of the price list is listing options and Page 35 of the brochure are showing add-ons. And now it seems obvious. I was telling myself that the slightly different prices were due to the recent price rise or simple VW error.

I'll be having the Bluetooth premium - £252.

Thanks for clearing this up. :thumb
You have made right choice (about the Bluetooth and CEO)

Thanks Andy and Teeboy! It was as I thought then but I can see why you got them mixed up, Acer as, like with so many things, the brochure and price lists can be confusing to say the least, especially when compounded by differences on the DTD price list and changes made with each brochure etc. It took me ages to get my head round what I wanted and what I really needed to order, and as you can tell, it doesn't take a lot to get my head spinning again! I'm glad we have the forum to sort us newbies out!

Ready to order now then :thumb Keep us posted!

Maud :D

VW California Club
