Brandrup storage pockets velcro re-newal

  • Thread starter Hotel California
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Hotel California

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As many on here have the Brandrup storage pockets (rather expencive but handy) so have we for about five years now .
Those having them also have seen the verclo adesive tape can come loose in time , as did some on mine .
I went and re-newed the reciving part glued on the wardrobe and trim .
Got myself this , we use it at work and got my hands on some leftovers...

Taking of the old tape leaves a load of sticky glue on the trim .
I found it easyer coming of from plastic trim as from the wardrobe trim .
Used some celulose thinner to try ans resolve the glue but did't trust it that much damaging the trim.
So on a warm day just "rolled'" up the residual in to some "snot balls" :Depressed
Did noticed the wider velcro that came with the bags comes off not so good as the narrower tape
When all clean cut the new adesive velcro to size and putted it on the storage bags
Take off the protection and put the bag in place...pressing firm
Then gently remove the bag leaving the adesive velcro in place and giving it a firm push to stay in place
Then double up the velcro as some places the velcro is wider...
Now leaving it without the bags mounted for 48h and giving it a press once a while ....
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I did multiple bags....


One warning .....lots of "snotballs " and a "blister on my little finger" :D from rolling up the glue-residual (like the song by the Dire Straits...)
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I find WD40 is good at getting residual adhesive off of plastic.
I just used evostick contact adhesive on ours. Stuck the original velcro back on.
Seems ok so far and took about ten minutes.
I just used evostick contact adhesive on ours. Stuck the original velcro back on.
Seems ok so far and took about ten minutes.

My job took about one hour , but i am freaky on cleaning and putting things straight ....:Nailbiting
Old-ish thread, but I assume still a common issue, so here goes.

I have various brandrup pockets which require new velcro / hook and loop. Seemingly a mixture of 5cm and 2.5cm wide to attach to the 'van' side. The pockets all have the bristly 'hook' on the back, so I only need the softer 'loop' side of the tape. Luckily this is available separately via ebay cut to length, so I don't need to buy both halves then waste half of it.

I understand I need 'heavy duty' or industrial strength velcro or similar.
Has anyone had any particular success with replacement velcro, and which brand did you use?

I have used some 50mm 'heavy duty' velcro on the rear wardrobe, but I'm not convinced it is a strong bond. The surface is obviously slightly textured, which won't help. Other surfaces, such as the rear drawer are more textured, so I assume I'll need a strong bond for that, maybe with 'adhesion promoter' to help.

Is there anything better than 'velcro heavy duty' which isn't prohibitively expensive?
I have been looking for Velcro for the bags as well lately and found this,
Does also come in wider 50mm rolls but is a lot more expensive probably more cost effective just to double up the one above.
Reading the descriptions on different glue backings, it seems not all Velcro is the same.
I got so fed up with the Velcro failing and the pouches falling off (and that I never wanted to remove the storage from where it was positioned) that I’ve used number plate tape instead. Not failed since.

VW California Club
