Break in through sliding window - any advice



VIP Member
East Anglia
T6.1 Coast 150
Hi. Got back from a walk in France to find the sliding window intact on the van loor. Vehicle deadlocked thank goodness. All they took was an old smartphone plugged in for maps and music, nothing of value. I assume they knew how to get in, looks like a punch to break the plastic tag on the bottom lh corner viewed from outside. I've refitted it, so it looks untouched. However, a bit vulnerable, any advice on making it more secure. I'll what a repair involves when I get home. Thanks for any help. Broad daylight in a busy area by the way.
You might have to renew the window if that pegs broke off. In the meantime try wedge something in there an old wooden clothes peg or something similar
That’s really rubbish! Sorry you’ve had this on holiday. Just glad no other damage was done. I guess what you’ve done, refitting so it looks normal, is about as good as you can. Maybe as @flying banana suggests, try and fit a discrete wedge. I’d avoid applying something like gaffer tape as this just would look like it’s broken and it could attract more interest from toe rags. It does sound the thief knew how to exploit a weakness which is worrying.
If a criminal decides to break into a car, they may, if necessary, use a rock to smash the window. This happened to us last year in Greece. Nothing significant1709891918789.jpg was stolen, but we had some trouble for a few days because we had to find a service for replacing the window, etc.

I've come to terms with the fact that it's not a question of whether a criminal will break into your car but rather when. There are two options, stay at home an be safe or travel and accept risk. If a break-in occurs and causes minimal damage to the vehicle, it would be some kind of "fortunate." However, we take all valuable items with us when we leave the car. In suspicious locations, we even take items like the laptop, tablet, Kindle, etc. However, we leave the wallet with some change (40-50 EUR) in the to avoid "angering" the criminal and preventing vandalism.
All they took was an old smartphone plugged in for maps and music, nothing of value.

Never leave a bluetooth device in a car/van. A thief can easily detect the signal, so hiding the device is useless.
Never leave a bluetooth device in a car/van. A thief can easily detect the signal, so hiding the device is useless.
Excellent advice, which I normally follow when parked up in London for example. But this time ....
That’s really rubbish! Sorry you’ve had this on holiday. Just glad no other damage was done. I guess what you’ve done, refitting so it looks normal, is about as good as you can. Maybe as @flying banana suggests, try and fit a discrete wedge. I’d avoid applying something like gaffer tape as this just would look like it’s broken and it could attract more interest from toe rags. It does sound the thief knew how to exploit a weakness which is worrying.
Thanks. I'm looking at various options. As someone said, if they don't spring the window, likely to be a brick through the glass.

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