Cali Berghaus Hello & Watch out for Pheasants



Hi all,

I have been very lazy to come on here and wish I had joined when I first heard about the site. I have had my Silver Berghaus for almost a year now.

Thought as way of an intro I would tell you... and show you (if I can attach a picture) what happened to me whilst driving down to Cornwall this weekend for the surf.

I got hit by a pheasant on the A30. There I was admiring it, even pointed it out to my partner and followed it into my windscreen. Wallop! The windscreen just exploded. I was stuck in Cornwall for 4 days as a result, waiting for Autoglass to get a new windscreen.

Advice...1, avoid live stock 2. It's worth noting exactly what screen you have. Mine has the aerial in the wing=mirrors. Which I discovered the hard way. Autoglass ordered the wrong screen thinking as I didn't have an aerial visible on the van that it was in the screen. All she had to do was say, is there a faint line down the centre of your screen. No, ok your aerial is in the mirrors. That would have saved me on the stress levels)))

Well that's me... a year in and loving my Cali. I had a Caravelle before this and a '64 split screen before that.

Wave if you see me))


Hi Scott welcome along good advise about the windscreen :thumb sort of reminded me of a few years ago when I had a pheasant go straight through the radiator of my mk3 cortina causing a great deal of damage and coolant loss had to be towed home :rofl :rofl
Re: Cali Berghaus Hello & Watch out for Pheasants

Welcome fellow berg owner ... I'm the same come from a line of classic old buses and now got a Cali and loving it :)
Hi Guys, Many thanks for your notes.

Stu, I'll post my bus as requested.



I've had my Silver Cali Berghaus for just over 2 months now. Had a '79 Bay as a kid and now loving owning my own campervan!

Gutted about your windscreen. What a nightmare!

Re: Cali Berghaus Hello & Watch out for Pheasants

Rozzie50 said:

I've had my Silver Cali Berghaus for just over 2 months now.

Why not add yourself to our list of Berghaus.

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Rozzie50 said:
Yes please, would love to!!!! :D

You've been added to the list, would be nice if you could add the further information :thumb

VW California Club
