Cali Ocean Coming!!



T6 Ocean 204
Hi I'm Nick - I've this week put a deposit on an ex-demo van - it will be available to me early August, so just getting into the swing of things!

Would love any tips, and in particular any pointers on what to make sure I understand on pickup, and what extras to buy before then - e.g. Hookup cable, porta potti etc.

Hello all!
Hi & welcome Nick
How exciting. Suggest you download the check list for handover . You may need to join as a VIP club member. VIP gives you discount on the forum shop/linsurance/solar panel etc. Our handover took 4 hours. There is a thread on things which can be missing. Our sliding table was missing a table leg & the bonnet had a dent (dealer changed it from a new T6 transporter).

General advice is to not buy too much initially , just the essential like hookup cable,gas bottle.
Various threads on loos,we use a Boginabag. If you look at my thread,4/5 post down see our initial set up/photos. Used information from various threads on forum.

We have had our 12mths,camping at the moment. Still revising what we need.

Happy adventures
Mandy & Simon
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Welcome , lots of info for newbies on the forum .
Don't buy to much stuff in advance . Once the Cali is yours load it up with the things you got try things out and dicide what suits you is limited in a Cali!
Welcome - :welcome
Great advice from Hotel C. I am three months into ownership and this forum has provided great guidance.
Ask away and enjoy!
Would definitely second all comments saying don't buy too much. I've only had my Cali since April and this site has quickly become my favourite place.

I listened to the advice on here and just got the electric hook up cable, a water hose suitable for drinking water and that was it. Since then, I've added a few things (collapsable kettle, bin etc) but not half of the things I thought were 'must haves' and I was going to buy.

If you plan to use it frequently (most weekends) then certainly worth get an extra set of toiletries to keep in the van. Not only does it make less things to load up, it also means you never forget shower gel etc.

VW California Club
