Cali to appear on TopGear???



VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150
I noticed a post on Instagram, that suggests the Cali may be making an appearance in the next series.


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The Stig's camping cousin is going to lap that van!
Don’t expect a mature appraisal from that Top Gear lot. If it doesn’t squeal around the circuit and create loads of smoke, it will probably get rated as an old man’s motor! I’d rather watch paint dry!!!
We all know how that’s going to end. Most lightly on fire or dropping off a cliff-face…:talktothehand
We all know how that’s going to end. Most lightly on fire or dropping off a cliff-face…:talktothehand
The original post was 3 years ago, not sure if they ever did feature a Cali, if they did I can’t remember seeing it and it hasn’t been mentioned here since.
The original post was 3 years ago, not sure if they ever did feature a Cali, if they did I can’t remember seeing it and it hasn’t been mentioned here since.
Not a Cali, but, there was the original 'conversion' test ...

Fifth Gear did a caravan / campervan comparison ..

VW California Club
