CampingCard ACSI



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T6.1 Ocean 199
Anybody use the CampingCard ACSI ?
Worthwhile ?
We used it when whe went on a big trip of 4 months through Europe in the low-season. In the low-season they offer fixxed prices for staying at different campings. So you filter (they have an app) for sites that either cost € 12, € 14, € 16, € 18 or € 20 euro's. Which is much cheaper then some of the prices we pay at other sites. However, in reality we didn't use it that much. The main reason is that although it's nice to pay less, the cost of the camping is just one factor (and for us not the most important) in why we choose a camping. Especially when travelling around. So in the end there was either not an ACSI-camping in the area where we wanted to find a camping, or there were other campings around that we preferred over the ACSI-camping for several different reasons other then price.

But I guess if you aren't as (incredibly) picky as we are about what (part of a) camping you stay at, or just generally like most campings that accept the ACSI-card (6300 sites) (and you travel outside the high-season) then it can save you quite a few quid. And then there's camping key Europe (3000 sites)...France Passion, Landvergnugen, Brit stops, etc. and probably a few more.
Thanks for the feedback.
Always had an ACSI card when travelling in Europe. In my view it's a worthwhile investment, more so out of high season. It has always repaid my investment many times over.
We used it when whe went on a big trip of 4 months through Europe in the low-season. In the low-season they offer fixxed prices for staying at different campings. So you filter (they have an app) for sites that either cost € 12, € 14, € 16, € 18 or € 20 euro's. Which is much cheaper then some of the prices we pay at other sites. However, in reality we didn't use it that much. The main reason is that although it's nice to pay less, the cost of the camping is just one factor (and for us not the most important) in why we choose a camping. Especially when travelling around. So in the end there was either not an ACSI-camping in the area where we wanted to find a camping, or there were other campings around that we preferred over the ACSI-camping for several different reasons other then price.

But I guess if you aren't as (incredibly) picky as we are about what (part of a) camping you stay at, or just generally like most campings that accept the ACSI-card (6300 sites) (and you travel outside the high-season) then it can save you quite a few quid. And then there's camping key Europe (3000 sites)...France Passion, Landvergnugen, Brit stops, etc. and probably a few more.
The app is great, each site is listed with photos and all facilities detailed, the user reviews are great, any site with a rating above 8 we have found to be excellent. Occasionally you are offered a second rate pitch
I get the books with camperstops&discount card in low season each year ....getting the purchase in return in discount.
But not in 2020 for obvious reason .
Thanks all, it’s a relatively small investment so will probably go for it in due course. Need my Cali to be delivered first :)
I bought it for the first time this year ... and couldn't use it once. ACSI should make a reduction for next year for those who bought it this year. Otherwise I don't take it anymore.
It’s as good for the app and guide books as it is for the discount. Worth the money if you expect to be on the continent more than a couple of weeks and at more than, say, 5 sites. Haven’t stayed on a poor ACSI site. Stayed on some average ones and some good ones; generally a good standard.
We have been using ACSI camping card for the past 4 years...Just writing off 2020.. It’s absolutely fantastic. Having the app on our iPad is worth the money alone..Gives you all the campsite details plus reviews. For the price it’s well worth the money..
Best Campsites in ACSI vote. Some sites to consider? See their website for details.


VW California Club
