Christmas Presents



VIP Member
West Sussex
Original post Blakey

I'm picking up my California tomorrow (somewhat excited!) and it's also that time of year when my family are after my Christmas Present list. Assume I have nothing else to go with the base California. So, my question is to you experienced Cali owners:

What should I put on my list?

Original post Calikev

Will depend obviously how generous they are
The first thing I bought was some Inka seat covers
To keep things fresh from the dogs and kids
Original post Blakey

I understand it will depend on the generosity of my family - lets say their means vary. Keep em coming - all helpful!
Original post Calikev

Mats cab and living area,hook up lead,euro plug,kettle,gas and electric
Check out for sale section(little plug there) more expensive items vanorak,mattress topper
The list goes on
Send them to Amazon here are a few suggestion's

The Camper Van Cookbook: Life on 4 Wheels, Cooking on 2 Rings
By Martin Dorey.

We watched his series One Man and His Camper van on the BBC which was responsible for our Aussie Bay Window purchase, then eventually the Cali this year. The book is excellent not only as a cookbook but for all its other sections covering camper van life. Highly recommended.

Amazon Kindle.

My wife discovered the kindle at work and absolutely loves it. Great for the Cali as it is small and carries many books, it also is easy to read in various light conditions and can be updated with new books with a wi fi connection when you are on your long Portugal trip.

Next Time We're Flying Somewhere Sunny by Steve Roach and Lloyd Hollingworth.

A very funny book about the trials and tribulations of traveling around Europe in a hired VW Brazilian Bay Window camper van.
My wife got it on her Kindle so I don't know if it is available as a hard copy book.
Original post Blakey

Thanks gang! We had a part-camper before so have some of this stuff already, but I didn't want to cramp your creativity.

On the subject of the Kindle, do you guys realize you can read books on most mobile phones with free applications - in the same way as the Kindle works. In fact Amazon do Kindle software for all the major smart phones these days (iPhone, Android and BlackBerry for example). And any books you buy from Amazon can be downloaded direct to your phone over the air. And you don't need to own an actual kindle at all.

Pros: I always have my phone with me. No need to carry two pieces of technology with me. No need to fork out £100+ on a kindle device.

Cons: The phone's screen is smaller. But I've been reading eBooks on my phones for nearly 10 years now since the first MS smartphones came out so I'm used to that.
Original post Blakey


Oct 20, 2011, 11:11am, Cali Admin wrote: Taylor made silver screen?

Is this required in the Cali? I have a whole set of T5 internal, insulated window screens. I wasn't expecting to have to use them in the Cali?
Original post wingate

I have them. It saves frozen windscreen in winter, eliminates condensation, gives privacy, you can let the windscreen portion of mine down. Keeps the cold out. I dont knock and move the rear view mirror with the internal screen now, saves moans.
Original post T5WOB

taylor made for the front screen there are ace ,and pucker roof silver screen .see post else were .
Original post california180


Please Santa :D

VW California Club
