Clock loosing the plot



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T6.1 Ocean 204 4 motion
Anyone else having problems with clock not showing the right time in the van, Ive got the Discover Media Pro if that makes a difference?

In the last 3 weeks, on at least 3 separate occasions the clock has been showing a totally wrong time. Tonight at approx 17.30 it was showing 00.35 each time it has been out by miles not just a few minutes.

The only remotely connected occurrence appears to be those may be the days that I have used the parking heater & todays displayed time may be the time since I started the parking heater by remote control.

If I get a chance I will see if I can get it to do it again tomorrow.
Andy is this a potential general issue that may be the wider issues you and others have / are experiencing with specific, albeit sporadic software Problems?
from experience computers work to logic rule !
Those rules are set by time programming based on logic and one constant and function Of time !
i.e incorrect time / incorrect function Could occur with interrelated effect!
if the computer software cannot operate on a correct logic of correct (assumed) time or that logic is incorrect due to a variable Being periodically incorrect, it may have a wider impact on the potential for other functions to work as intended! (And programmed)
Time is one of the basic logics computers uses to control basic and primary functions of a logic circuit which form the basis of and a wider basis to many of its more complex calculation.
it (time anomaly) may be introducing basic / logic issues, seemingly unrelated to a particular issue experience, but related to a logic issue Non the less !
it’s just a thought, but you seem to have been dogged by niggling software issues, that appear for no apparent reason and potentially unconnected?

I have some experience of with PC which experienced issues Related specifically to incorrect “logged times / timed events“ of a cpu based logic, which affected other function.
we know historically these vans operate certain functions on a time / interval basis ?
I do not have enough experience of automotive logic programming/ potential issues related to CPU logged data irregularities to comment further, other than it may help to discuss further with those with programming experience, to see if this potential time / logic issue could cause wider issues ?
Does the time on the media screen match with that on the MFD ?
do both maintain correct time (set time) and remain synchronised fully, particularly over a period of operation ?

edit: a good example of this is the location interface affecting certain features related to the physical location of the vehicle such as travel mode for lights / Nav Etc (which may be inadvertently time affected by GMT & CET etc)
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Or there is a bug that causes the control unit to crash when you activate the remove heater, and restart, thus resetting the clock to zero like my microwave does after a powercut.
Or there is a bug that causes the control unit to crash when you activate the remove heater, and restart, thus resetting the clock to zero like my microwave does after a powercut.
Thats what I'm thinking, just need to see if running the heating & the clock time are just a coincidence.
Reset Manually.

I started the heater remotely earlier this morning, just checked the clock is still out by exactly the same amount as it was yesterday evening, I didn't correct the time yesterday.
Reset Manually.

I started the heater remotely earlier this morning, just checked the clock is still out by exactly the same amount as it was yesterday evening, I didn't correct the time yesterday.
Hi Andy I am having similar issues it’s happened twice also the media screen goes black and won’t start until the engine is turned off then back on did get yours sorted?
Hi Andy I am having similar issues it’s happened twice also the media screen goes black and won’t start until the engine is turned off then back on did get yours sorted?
I honestly cant remember, it was a 2021 MY199 & I sold that one not long after those posts.

VW California Club
