Coleman dual fuel stove advice???



VIP Member
Anyone able to offer some advice on a coleman dual fuel stove?

Ours was playing up a little at the end of last season, so I've just replaced the generator and the pump to give it an overhaul.

Having reassembled, there is a tiny fuel leak around the threads of the generator where the generator screws onto the fuel valve body. I've tightened the generator as far as I dare without damaging the unit and I haven't lit the burner , obviously because of the leak.

It's only a tiny drop of fuel present once the tank is pressurised and with the fuel valve cracked open a tiny amount. With the fuel valve closed and tank pressurised there is no leak.

The generator is on nice and tight, further tightening does not seem to have made any difference.

Any one have any thoughts?
Just in case anyone else has one of these excellent stoves, I solved the minor issues I was having and the stove has been fully overhauled and now operates 100%.

It's a great bit of kit and I love that I don't need extra gas bottles and cartridges to run it, that it all packs away in its self contained housing and it has a really powerful burner.

This was our 'primary' stove when we used to camp in our tent in the BC years ("Before Cali" !!) and it's now our outdoor cooking stove that is permanently stored in the back of the Cali.

VW California Club
