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Coming back to VW



VIP Member
Hi all,

My name is Alun and I live in Pembrokeshire West Wales.

I have owned numerous VW campers over the years T4 and 5. When my son was a little baby we found it a little awkward at sleep time so we took the plunge and went full on motorhome. This at first was absolute luxury but recently became more of a hindrance due to size, difficulty in parking, access to some of our favourite sites.

I had a VW kombi (sold it last week to make way for the cali) so with my wife's car we had 3 vehicles to insure and maintain.

So to cut a long story short we have done a deal and bought a mint 57 plate california, loaded with every available extra.

I will be buying a kyham awning that's for sure.

Really quite excited about picking her up a the end of month.

Great forum by the way, some great advice.

Hi Alun Welcome back to the land of vw
Quite a few members on here have been to the other side and returned. If you know what I mean
You will find your new Cali a joy to drive and own. Keep us posted when it arrives. What colour and spec is it :?: let's hope sept and oct are good months so you can get out and use it :thumb :thumb
Hi Alun and welcome to the forum, like you I have also come over from the land of big motorhomes to the Cali for exactly the same reason, yes we do lose the luxury but we gain so much more freedom and you will not regret it !
Hi all

Picked up our Cali on sat. Had our first trip out straight away. Going to take me a few trips to adjust to the loss of space from our motorhome.

Picked up a Khyam classic awning after picking the cali up which gave us more room, but the storms we had early hours of Monday morn and day I was surprised to see it still standing.

Besides all that it is great to back in a VW again and must say delighted with the finish of the Cali.

Welcome back to the real world fella ..:)
Those big motor homes just are not practical or multi functional ... Least you see the light my friend :)

VW California Club
