Concerns about roof corrosion should i buy ?

Wild Bob

Wild Bob

T6 Ocean 150
Been to Preston VWVC looking at new T6 Cali. Configured and happy with price but then came home and read all about problems people are having with corrosion issues. This is a retirement treat for us and don't want to invest in a product which will have rust problems.
Sit down for a few days and read the corrosion threads and then think :(:Depressed:headbang:eek:o_O:rolleyes:

Personally if it is a retirement vehicle and you can make the figures work I would buy new, sell after two years, buy new, sell after two years, repeat, repeat...

Yes, you will take a hit each time* but less so than virtually any other (non-supercar) vehicle.

And you will have zero worries/costs for breakdowns, warranty issues, roof corrosion whatever happens and wherever you go in Europe which is an *enormous* comforting factor and worth it's weight in gold.

You can't take it with you... (£££). :)
Hi Max, I have always bought cars like that 2/3 years on PCP so no worries about MOT or out of warranty issues but was going to buy this cash. But what you are saying I am better buying on PCP !
Hi Bob, well I was thinking more of enjoy the retirement as worry free as possible in terms of ownership hassle rather than the financing.

But having said that (with a bit of experience of PCP/financing/investments etc) I would say unless you can get an interest free deal/loan/PCP etc then there are nearly always better ways of purchasing than via regular dealer PCP.

Cash can still be king and work out better in many scenarios but there is always the fact that you cannot invest that cash of course and despite the 'high street' returns being so dreadful there are still plenty of (low risk to high risk) ways of making 5 to say 20% out there still - peer to peer lending being a real winner over recent years.

Also interest free credit cards can work well (for part payment), 18 months or more is out there but factor in the dealer may only accept these with a 2% addition. It can still work out though.

Really there is endless choice out there in terms of how you play it but only you know your finances but do look at all the options and do lots of research. :thumb
This corrosion issue is here for the long term as even newer T6 models are affected. No one knows where it will end up. At least you know about it and can make an informed decision. The choice is yours, walk away or accept that it may need attention sooner or later. It appears there is no cure at present but who knows, someone, somewhere will come up with a solution as is the way with these things. the other way to look at is, every vehicle will eventually rust away and none are defect free hence warrenties.
What about badly fitted roof problems, sending our 1 week old Cali beach back to the dealer because the roof is out of line. Sad day after waiting 12 months for it to arrive....
And you will have zero worries
Not sure I entirely agree with that. The corrosion can be evident long before 2 years. Whilst it will be repaired under warranty I am concerned that there could be a significant impact upon resale values for vehicles that have been affected - even if repaired.

Perhaps some T5 users who have had repairs can comment on residuals.

Should you buy. Probably not the day to ask me since I have discovered corrosion on my T6 today !!
It's not nice, its cosmetic not structural, if too much to bear, buy a Bilbos, Danbury or Three Bridges van conversion with a GRP roof.

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Not sure I entirely agree with that. The corrosion can be evident long before 2 years. Whilst it will be repaired under warranty I am concerned that there could be a significant impact upon resale values for vehicles that have been affected - even if repaired.

You're quite right - it may appear of course much earlier but at least the warranty gives you *some* peace of mind. Sort of...! ;) Whole thing is a big crock of **** though as so many of us have said so often...

...but VW simply don't appear to give a ****.

Still you have to have some optimism and take the positives and especially in retirement look at the bigger picture hence my upbeat post to Bob. :)

At the end of the day (having had four VW campers through T25/T4/T5) there remain only three I'd look at due to the three main fundamentals: design, build quality, residuals.

And they are VW, Westfalia and Bilbos. I don't want to go into a great spiel about why this is better or that IMHO or whatever, you pays your money and takes your choice and everyone has different views on what suits them but the roof thing is an issue but one lives with it's existence or not. It is what it is as they say...!
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Wild Bob,

Go for it!
Just taken delivery of our T6 after having a T5. Sue and I are both well retired, and have had some amazing trips so far in our T5 which we so glad we have made, many more to come in SusiBus T6.

Don't let the roof issue put you off. There's a group of owners who I'm sure will eventually get VW to face up to this issue and sort it out.
Having recently purchased a new California, I have zero regrets.....

I haven't looked under the roof-seal, but IMO, it's a cosmetic issue for now, and hopefully a fix will present itself before it becomes a serious issue.... I'll take a look, as the warranty period draws to a close.

Memories and enjoyment in life are whats important.... Yes, VW should react, and give its customers peace of mind, but big corporations are often slow to react, then litigation concerns kick-in when they try to, and everyone rightly scornes them for going quiet, and trying to cover-their-ass.... But they're all the same at the end of the day, the grass may appear greener with other brands, but not always the case once put to the test.

The VW Camper, is somewhat in a niche of its own, and it is a very much in-demmand product. If you don't buy one, someone else will, and they will get all the enjoyment you should have had also. No product is perfect however, VW have broad-shoulders..... And will have to deal with it. Yes, they have been slow to learn, and sometimes shown apparent contempt for their customers.... But their reputation, is at stake, and they will have to address the issue in-time.

Above is just my view of things, as they stand..... Ultimately, you will have to decide, retirement can either include Cali ownership, or I'm sure you'll find an alternative product to spend your money on. Either way, make the best of your retirement, and try not to dwell on life's imperfections too much, is all I can say.
Well … at the end of the day, the fun and advantages of owning a Cali probably will overweight the concerns and troubles.

We have been owners for about 9 months now. In this period, we had quite our bit of struggle, and not all to blame VW – the first Cali was a second hand, with some issues - most of them created by the dealer, anyway it ended its days - only two years old - after 4 months of ownership in a car accident. Our new one is an ex-demo with some issues, a few is on VW – anyway. Would we do it again is the BIG question. No doubt! We love, adore and enjoy out Cali-life every day. The only thing to be sad about – we should have got one years ago!
Fully agree with kmann. The advantages, practically and freedom outweigh the minor disadvantages. The roof issue will be fixed by VW on extended warranty. I have had issues with both the front and the main roof but I have so far gotten good service from VW. When the warranty expires you may have to fix the roof yourself or at your own cost. As long as you watch out for any corrosion you can fix it under the rubber seal without it being visible.
There currently is contradiction in the wording as whether the extended warranty will be applied to paintwork issues on the roof, this is something which we intend to look into.
Those waiting for vw to come up with a fix should note they've had 13 years to do so already, and have managed 2 upgrades (5.1 and T6) without any improvement.
Those waiting for vw to come up with a fix should note they've had 13 years to do so already, and have managed 2 upgrades (5.1 and T6) without any improvement.

True..... I can take two things from this....

1. 13 years on, and people are still buying Californias, have their sales even been affected? New and/or re-sale?
2. Rust spots, seem to not be prevalent on the front of the roof, on the T6, whereas mainly the front on the T5? Perhaps if they apply the same technique to the side and rear, as they have done the front.... Things may improve. The rubber-seal itself, may also be the issue.... However, if the issue, is indeed widespread in the T6, a VW bean-counter, will be asking questions somewhere and planning how to best mitigate. Which is surly prevention, as opposed to cure.
In my opinion, and I am an opinionated old bat .....

Seriously, assume that you will have a corrosion issue.

It's su[posed to be cosmetic, does not affect the integrity of the vehicle, is not an MoT fail but it should not be there and is a fault that there is no fix for and probably will never ever be one. It can also spread and I assume possibly, in bad cases, ultimately result in replacement of the whole elevating roof panel.

That is a worst case but entirely possible scenario,

Now ask yourself, how much would that concern you, as an individual, regardless of what others think?

I have asked myself this question. I assume that one day I am going to peel back the surrounding rubber strip and find lots of bubbles there. I will not cry. I will mutter "bugger it". I will curse VW and will shout and scream at them. However, I will still doodle off in Albert and enjoy every single minute I am away in him. I will continue to take lots of photographs which will be a permanent record of the huge amount of joy that I have had in that vehicle, I will still say it is the best vehicle that I have ever owned.

I could of course look at alternatives to a Cali and have done. The MP is great for some, not for me. Conversions are a faff around, two manufacturers instead of one to have hassle with. I want an off the shelf product with proven benefits and for me the proven benefits of the Cali outweigh the roof issue.
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Those waiting for vw to come up with a fix should note they've had 13 years to do so already, and have managed 2 upgrades (5.1 and T6) without any improvement.
Land Rover never fixed the problem of Galvanic Corrosion in 66 years of Production of the Defender and its predecessors. Instead they stopped making it.
Land Rover never fixed the problem of Galvanic Corrosion in 66 years of Production of the Defender and its predecessors. Instead they stopped making it.

Perhaps, they "mitigate" their costs, by off-loading them to their suppliers, who in-turn factor a certain level of repairs in to their costings? Or, if they forget to, don't survive to tell the tale. Perhaps LR & VW, aren't out a penny for the repairs? I work in IT Hardware, and the market leaders, off-load all risks, at a very early stage - They win-win-win, it's the suppliers who take up the slack, and hit on repair/replacement costs.
/\ What @GrannyJen said.

I'm going to assume mine will develop it. I will keep an eye out for bubbles when I clean it. I will develop a good relationship with a relatively local VW dealer's service manager. I will get that dealer to inspect my Cali thoroughly before the expiry of the Paintwork Warranty, and formally record it if/when it needs doing. I will moan about VW.

During all this time (unless and until something happens to me or my Cali) I'm going to ENJOY my ownership and use of the best vehicle I've ever owned ... bar none.
I bought a van at 5 years old with roof corrosion, it didn't put me off buying it, I don't regret it at all and I am enjoying the freedom owning a Cali brings.
VW are going to honour the warranty and its going in in October for the plastic front fairing (which won't corrode again going forward) and the roof re-spray for corrosion that after 6 years is minor, cosmetic and not noticeable unless you look for it.
If your buying a new one its not worth worrying about for the first 6 years (warranty period).
There currently is contradiction in the wording as whether the extended warranty will be applied to paintwork issues on the roof, this is something which we intend to look into.

In my recent discussions with VW customer care they told me the extended warranty did not apply to the T6, I did challenge that with the evidence reported on this forum of the same paint / blistering bellow the roof seal on the T6. We are yet to find out if the new transparent tape fitted to the T6 roof below the seal since late 2016 provides a remedy.

VW do not plan to incorporate this in the repair procedure for existing elevating roof problems.

VW California Club
