Velma's Dad
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The World Doctors Alliance cited above is (presumably) the same World Doctor's Alliance that stated, inter alia, that COVID-19 is a type of flu and is not a pandemic; that PCR tests are up to 94% false positive; and that only 98 COVID-19 related deaths has been reported in Ireland at the time when the Irish government was credibly reporting more than 1,800 covid deaths.
From a quick glance the World Doctors Alliance appear to be a loose assemblage of people on the margins of science and medicine, with several linked to alt-right political agendas and movements.
From a quick look, their website appears to contain a mix of uncontested facts posing as disclosure (eg the Pfizer vaccine is not licensed for under 16s - well so what, who ever said it was?) and pure misinformation.
Critical thinking isn't about just accepting 'alternative facts' posed by some people simply on the basis that they might at some point have gained medical degrees or various scientific credentials and assuming it has some equivalence of evidential weight with an international scientific consensus.
By all means question the balance of public policy between health protection and economic harm, but attempting to do so by circulating falsehoods is beneath contempt.
From a quick glance the World Doctors Alliance appear to be a loose assemblage of people on the margins of science and medicine, with several linked to alt-right political agendas and movements.
From a quick look, their website appears to contain a mix of uncontested facts posing as disclosure (eg the Pfizer vaccine is not licensed for under 16s - well so what, who ever said it was?) and pure misinformation.
Critical thinking isn't about just accepting 'alternative facts' posed by some people simply on the basis that they might at some point have gained medical degrees or various scientific credentials and assuming it has some equivalence of evidential weight with an international scientific consensus.
By all means question the balance of public policy between health protection and economic harm, but attempting to do so by circulating falsehoods is beneath contempt.