Dangerous...showered with shards of glass in bed!



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SW London
T5 SE 180
Our first ever night abroad in Zebedee the Cali. Lying in bed downstairs when there is a sound like a pistol shot and i get showered in tiny and very sharp shards of glass....the fridge top has literally exploded, shattering into a million tiny shards. The press in bit at the front and the back are no longer attached to it. I am in Brittany on the first night of our 2 week holiday! Waiting for VW Customer Care to open. Can't even drive it at the moment as the glass would just go everywhere.
Has anyone else had this problem?

will try to upload a pic but not sure how to do it.
a sad Judith and Charlotte :help
Wow I hope you are all ok :thumb I have never heard of that happening before sounds scary.be interested to hear what VW
Have to say hope you get it sorted very soon
That doesn't sound too good at all.

I hope you get something sorted as it's so close to the beginning of your trip.
Sorry to hear that Judith :sad I hope you get it sorted, keep us updated and hopefully someone will come up with some idea's if VW are unable to fix it.
uk vw customer services say they have never come across that one! They say contact France customer services but can't get through at all. Phoned local VW dealer in Saint Malo who can't even see it to assess it till after we are back in the UK. The only thing i can do is wait till back in uk and get SMG to repair it and clean it up as best I can over here so I can at least drive the vehicle. Am supposed to be leaving this campsite in less than an hour!
Hi there

The camp site reception must be able to help with a hoover or a nearby garage with car wash facilities, bad luck though.

Mind you VW are still in denial about roof corrosion so them saying it's unheard of "don't mean diddly squat"
Sorry that last comment is of no practical use in your current situation but I thought it had to be said!
How scary :sad

That must have been awful.

I suppose the best you can do is to clear up and try to continue with no fridge until you get home, but what an upsetting and horrible start to your trip.

I do hope you can enjoy the rest of your time regardless.

I'm quite sad for you. What a dampener on your trip away.

Sorry, that is not a good way to start a holiday in France !

I seem to remember talking to someone at COTF who had this happen to them . Unfortunately I do not remember who it was though. Not much help.
Can you not use the rubber inner cover to the fridge to get you by until you return to UK ?

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Andy said:
Sorry, that is not a good way to start a holiday in France !

I seem to remember talking to someone at COTF who had this happen to them . Unfortunately I do not remember who it was though. Not much help.

Yes I was also warned at this happening by a Cali owner at COTF this year
Update... Have put the shards of glass into a bag with the front mechanism to show VW on our return. A kind man next to us helped me gaffer tape up the top of the rubber bit of the fridge and the back hinge i have sticking upright as it has a very jagged piece of glass sticking out of it. Glass does get EVERYWHERE!!!

The first day the gas went (obviously ttthe man at the camping shop in the Isle of Wight sold us a less than full tank!!). Second day the fridge lid exploded. Third day the tyre on Charlotte's bike s down flat with a puncture. Fourth day the brand new back tyre on the Cali seems to have a slow puncture so we are having to blow it up everyday. Can't wait to discover todays holiday problem....and who said they come in 3's !!!!
Zebedee said:
The first day the gas went (obviously ttthe man at the camping shop in the Isle of Wight sold us a less than full tank!!).

Wasn't the 907 bottle sealed when you bought?

It was me at COTF that shared our experience of the exploding fridge glass top. Luckily it happened to us while we were stationary during the day. Still very frightening, as it goes with a large bang, and fills the van with sharp shards of glass, which are very difficult to clear up. We carried on for the rest of our holiday, (yes this also happened on the first day), with the sharp edges covered with gaffer tape and the top just resting in place

Initially the dealer said “breakage of glass was not covered under warranty”
Not something I was willing to accept.

On inspection it was found that the pivot pin in the side of the wardrobe that the gas strut fixes to was not at 90degrees, so could have been putting the lid under stress. I can’t see how it could have got bent in use, so it must have been like that since new, but had lasted over two years before letting.

Anyway it was replaced under warranty. CHECK YOUR PIVOT PIN.

We have informed VWCC that this has happened to our Cali,and they will have recieved a warranty claim for this,so it must be on their system
is it possible that the fridge was too full putting pressure on the hinge? just trying to think of a plausible reason for this.

No it wasn’t caused through being too full, but over filling should be avoided obviously, as should being heavy handed when closing it once you realise the gas strut is only attached through the glass. In fact the angle that the pivot was at was the opposite angle to that if it had been damaged due to being over filled
It does raise the question why on earth use glass as work tops/lids on a vehicle that is intended for use camping which is a rigorous environment?

The T4 Westfalia California had solid work tops which included a brilliant fold down stainless steel draining board. No problems with shattering with that form of practical design.

Makes you wonder what made VW use glass in the first place. Daft decision in my view. And we all end up discussing what to put on the glass to protect it...... Surely a work top should be sturdy enough not to need protection any way?
I was thinking about putting a layer of sticky vinyl on our work surfaces to reduce work top scratches. I wonder if it might reduce the risk of glass shards in the event of this horrid 'Cali quirk'?!?!
I can't understand the use of glass work tops either, even if they are pretty!
So, this is bothering me quite a bit.... My children travel next to the glass work top. They're only little so it's fairly close to face level. Surely exploding glass (even if it's only happened on a couple of occasions) would warrant a recall on a health and safety basis?
McMeefia said:
So, this is bothering me quite a bit.... My children travel next to the glass work top. They're only little so it's fairly close to face level. Surely exploding glass (even if it's only happened on a couple of occasions) would warrant a recall on a health and safety basis?

I can see your train of thought here but manufacturers won't issue a recall for (on this forum 2 cases as yet) something like this in very small numbers. I have not had any case come into us and have not heard of anyone else with this issue when I am courses and we discuss work and vehicles etc...

Well quell surprise.....not covered on the warranty.....must have had an impact prior to my ownership 9 months ago causing it to let go at 6.30 in the morning with me in the land of nod! So my purse will be nearly £300 notes lighter for a tiny bit of kitchen work top. I'm sure I could do quite a lot of work top in my kitchen at home for £300!

That's the cost of 2 holidays to the Isle of Wight.

Fridge still works ok. Any options not VW or would that affect my residuals too much? Finding out how long to order from super chaps at SMG., but everyone insistent must have had an impact. Makes me feel like a liar. Not a nice feeling. So only alternative is that it happened prior to my getting it.
A sad Zebedee Zebra
I wonder how viable it would be to just get some glass cut to size (lots of places do this) and glue it into the front and back aluminium frame parts which I assume you still have? You would have to dig the remains of the old glass and the glue out first. You would also have to work out how to attach the gas strut - I can't remember off-hand how this is done originally.

Just an idea!


VW California Club
