I just noticed in my pictures below that my Heater Blower Motor Resistor is the newer type part no 7L0907521B with a heatsink, see picture below, and not as described in my notes below but these may still be useful to some users.

My 7.5A fuse is in position 14 and nothing in 15 but it wasn't blown anyway, checked all the other fuses and those under the seat and all OK. Even though I only changed the blower motor 9 months ago I thought I may as well take it out and check it as it's only takes about 20 minutes by switch off and remove key, pop off the passenger side dash cover and small left hand front dash trim then 10 Torx 20 screws to release the lower dash.
Before removing the motor I disconnect the power plug and confirmed there was 12v with the fan control on various speed settings , there was so I knew there was an issue with the motor.
I removed the 7 bolts 7/32" that hold the blower on and it drops out easily.
Once the blower motor was off I noticed a little rust on the shaft and a slight resistance when spinning by hand so a good clean and grease then connected the power plug and all working fine again so reassembled everything all is now working again
Whilst researching the possible causes of the blower motor not working I made the following notes and links to help future diagnostics...
1. Blower doesn’t work at all – even on the high (4) setting.
2. Blower works on full (4) and on a lower speed setting , but not at all settings.
3. Blower speed works on full setting (4) but not on slower settings.
Fault scenario 1) is most likely to be a faulty fan motor (siezed or worn brushes) or motor supply fuse, since the motor circuit does not include the resistor pack.
Fault scenario 2) is most likely to be a burned out section of the resistor assembly but NOT the thermal fuse. This will require a replacement VW resistor assembly.
Fault scenario 3) the only fault is likely to be the thermal fuse fitted on top of the assembly which is spot welded to two tags at the top. You cannot solder this part so a new Heater Blower Thermal Fuse from eBay etc. must be fitted mechanically as shown in
Blower Resistor Pack Replacement Instructions
Heater Blower Thermal Fuse Part 710907521B
BLOWER MOTOR Part No 7E66820021B NOTE RHD for model with electronically regulated air conditioner, second evaporator and second heater in rear
OEM Nissens 87272
Blower Motor removal on YouTube.
Hope that may help anyone else with a similar issue
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