DNX525DAB - Garmin Navigation - Avoidances - Traffic - Worth it?



T5 SE 140
Hi All,

I cannot find anything specific to traffic avoidance, so here goes.

After this weekend shenanigans trying to get from Stoke to Manchester I've been considering subscribing to the traffic avoidance on the DNX525DAB within the Garmin Navigation. I had to resort to my iPhone and Google maps to try and avoid traffic, although I think I was on to a loser from the start, traffic around and just off the M6 was a nightmare.

Has anyone bought the subscription and would recommend?
Try Waze on your iPhone. It's free and awesome.
True Mirroring might be an option. Pity that my last mirroring cable was for an iPhone 4 which I got rid of.
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Bit in the paper today about Garmins alternative routes. Seems that some obscure village in Austria has suddenly become popular as all the alternative routes go through it, even ones in the UK. I know a lot of people blindly follow the sat nav so that could prove interesting. :oops::oops:
The DNX525DAB comes with free Traffic Information I think (or at least mine did). You just have to activate it by going to the garmin website and setting up an account. You then have to ring them with a code that you obtain from the device and they will give you an unlock code which you then enter. I think all the info was in the setup guide that came with the radio which I can probably dig out if you haven't got one.

Having said all that, it hasn't really helped me a great deal so far and has led me on a few wild goose chases while avoiding non-existent traffic jams! I think the info it gets never seems to be up-to-date enough. The other weekend it was telling me there were "animals on the road" for miles along the A14. Suffice to say, I didn't see any!

The traffic delays ahead function works great abroad, not sure why it worked well last week in Belgium but have never seen the function working in the UK I have had it over three years, and last week was the first time I saw it working.

VW California Club
