Do you have a gap at the rear of the elevating roof headlining?



Lifetime VIP Member
T5 SE 180
I've had my elevating roof corrosion repair done on my T5.1 SE. I'm fairly certain that they removed the roof to do it, rather than repaint in situ.

While inspecting the work from inside the van I noticed that I could see part of the underside of my black painted roof beyond the rear end of the headlining, as shown in the attached photos (click to enlarge).



The gap is about 10mm at each end and 5mm in the middle.

I don't think I've ever noticed this before so I'm wondering whether the roof/headlining has been re-fitted incorrectly.

Could a kind soul please climb into their roof, shuffle down to the rear and take a couple of photos of any (or no) gap. Then post them here.

I have a Coast so maybe different as manual roof but definitely no gap - Ive just spent hours up there fitting the Isotop so know this without having to check!
Thats defiantly wrong, don't currently have an Ocean so cant take photos, the last Isotop liner that I fitted had the top rear corners tucked in over the back corners of the headlining & it was a squeeze to get it in there, certainly no gap.

Have a search for threads re Isotop fitting - you may find photos on there.

It does raise the questions as to where the missing 10mm is - does it stick out at the front?
Here's my headline 2016 ocean. No gap. If you lift it you can see a lip that sits down flush. This is the lower head lining though I now think you mean the top. I'll take some top photos for you later when I get re camped up


Have a search for threads re Isotop fitting - you may find photos on there.

Thanks, I already tried that but couldn't find anything definitive.

The best I found was on the club shop page for the Brandrup Isotop, which shows this:

It looks as though the headlining goes right up to the aluminium piece that is fixed to the frame (see my first two photos).

In the Bradrup photo it appears that the frame has been covered with some insulating foam; maybe this sticks out from under the headlining.

This is the lower head lining though I now think you mean the top. I'll take some top photos for you later when I get re camped up

Thanks. Yes, the top (i.e. roof) headlining.

And if anyone has a T5/T5.1, then a photo from that would be helpful too so that the body shop can't argue that it's a T5/T6 difference.
Here you go. No gap at all in the middle. Maybe 4mm where the corners are. T6 ocean


Thanks @flying banana

The fact that you have a gap at the corners, albeit smaller than mine, means that the body shop could still say my roof is normal.

I'd be grateful if a couple of other people could photograph their headlining gap, particularly on a T5, so I can see how much variation there is from van to van.
I'd be grateful if a couple of other people could photograph their headlining gap, particularly on a T5, so I can see how much variation there is from van to van.

Could anyone else help with a photo of their gap please?
@Rob m Thank you.

Your photos show gaps very much like mine. That's very helpful to know.

VW California Club
