Door mirror worries



T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
I am concerned that my driver's door mirror spider may have left or may have even died. Has anyone else encountered this problem and if so is there a part number for reordering? I would assume it would be a dealer fit job.
I wondered if I could get round the problem by occasionally spraying across the mirror lens with some fake spiders web stuff out of an aerosol. We are due to leave for a few days at Carfest today and it doesn't seem right getting a clear view of the road behind.
Maybe it fancied a ride on a Marco Polo...
Not got one of those, must be a T6 extra.
I am concerned that my driver's door mirror spider may have left or may have even died. Has anyone else encountered this problem and if so is there a part number for reordering? I would assume it would be a dealer fit job.
I wondered if I could get round the problem by occasionally spraying across the mirror lens with some fake spiders web stuff out of an aerosol. We are due to leave for a few days at Carfest today and it doesn't seem right getting a clear view of the road behind.
Swapped mine for an Awning Spider.
Mine came as standard. Dealer fit not required as they seem to replace themselves.
Mine comes inside for a warm on cold nights. check around your heater.
Well, we didn't get one of those with our new T6 - will have to take it back to the dealer and complain :(. Do remember having one on my passenger side in the Volvo though. Should I have transferred it to the California along with al the bits of glove box "stuff"?
I was going to get a trapdoor spider as a VW accessory but the one they supplied had trapdoor-rot :shocked
Brandrup do an after-market spider. It costs £395 and takes 6 weeks. Obviously velcro is required.
Mine must have drowned, because the mirror fills up with water, which I've always thought was not very good for mirror electrics let alone spiders
We always get French ones when going abroad.
Not sure what the situation will be after Brexit though. Will spiders still have free movement?
My French spider jumped ship today, probably heard that we are going back over to France on Monday.

or was it making room for his/her (political correctness) relatives on our return journey?
This cheeky grasshopper (or whatever) clung to our hire car in the Algarve for 35 miles!20140902_180403.jpg
Our mirror one is doing fine, along with his mates in the awning and rear number plate. They've recently done a good job with flys in the Basque Country.
Ours has worked out that the roof bars are a particularly good spot. I get his thinking - given the numbet of dead flies I'll be cleaning off them.
Looks like I may have somehow collected your missing friends. They have made camps on my bike rack. Its constant. They are everywhere. So if anyone wants one, please feel free to collect one from me.

I can post to UK addresses.... You can collect.... or I can deliver local...
Mine must have drowned, because the mirror fills up with water, which I've always thought was not very good for mirror electrics let alone spiders

Brandrup have arm bands coming online soon, they just need to decide whether to charge for 8 or buy 4 and get 4 free !

VW California Club
