Egypt Air Crash / Travelling Overseas



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First of all my heart goes out to everyone involved in this terrible crash be it terrorism or mechanical.

I was just wondering what peoples views are on flying / travelling overseas these days? I know you are more likely to be run over than involved in an air crash but I find the whole flying situation very stressful these days, I am always looking at other passengers asking why is he bringing a backpack on board? I wonder what is sitting under me in the hold? Is the pilot on a suicide mission? I know I will finally get to my destination in one peice but I find flying no longer a fun start to the holiday which it always used to be for our family.

Anyway, no flying this year as we are 100% Cali holidays via the ferry ( I know, they could easily have a bomb on the ferry or the tunnel but for some reason I never think of this)
more die on the roads then from flying.

terrorism if we stop travelling they have won. We have never had it so good think of what our grand parents lived through in the Blitz
more die on the roads then from flying.

If you read the first line this is what i said! I am not talking about probability, I am just talking about the stress factor. They are expecting a record year for stay-cations this year so obviously many other do not want to fly, also our options are getting smaller all the time, Tunisia, Cairo etc...
Any loss of life is tragic. To see the grief on the faces of the loved ones, I would hate to be in their shoes, it does not bear thinking about.

From a terrorist threat point of view I find travelling on the London Underground to be just as stressful, and also I am very conscious travelling Eurotunnel.

From a general point of view I became so jaundiced with the stress generally of flying that I swore never again, and it was that more than anything that prompted me to buy a Cali.
I got over a 20 year phobia of flying approx 18 months ago and have flown 20ish times since and really enjoy it !
more die on the roads then from flying.

Annoys me when people quote this, I suspect the people on that flight told this to themselves and look what happened! I think it is a pointless quote and does not mean anything
Logic and stats don't come in to it so don't fee bad about it. Surprisingly as I've got older I've been less enamoured with flying or any form of transport where I'm not in control. No logic there as I have less to lose as I get older.
In general I prefer to travel closer to home and be more in control.

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I have to agree, back in the 70's and 80's the flight used to be part of our holiday as we had nothing to fear ( apart from mechanical failure which is rare) however now when we fly we are always people watching and I will also find one person I am suspicious of each time I fly, the moment we land is always a relief. People say don't let them win but they have won by causing terror to people using the underground, flying, going to beaches in places like Tunisia etc..
Good job we have our campervan's. We can be fully in control of our holidays.
No getting to airport on time no, delays at the airport no need to worry about the aircrews mental health, no need to worry about the last service the plane had or the risk of a terror attack.
What about the drunk driver travelling towards us on the wrong side of the road!
Have not been in a plane since two months before 9/11 , but not out off fear , just not did oversea vacations and the last five year traveling by Cali:D

That last fight vacation i took was Brussels -Washington Dulles - LA and back
The inland flight Washington Dulles -LA was one of the lines that got highjacked two months later 9/11....

Traveling by plane i think was never a great joy , but now a days even more a pain in the @ss
What about the drunk driver travelling towards us on the wrong side of the road!

or the lorry pulling out without looking. Why flying is safer than driving.:confused:.

Think I will stay home and wait for a metorite strike.:Nailbiting
We have close family in Australia and slightly less close in New Zealand so we go every year.
Because it is such a long horrible process you tend to switch off from the hijack type risk.
If anything it is the long painful journey rather than terrorists that would put us off I think.
There is an upside though, it is lovely and warm out there!

But we always look forward to camping in the Cali, it's just a different world..............
or the lorry pulling out without looking. Why flying is safer than driving.:confused:.

Think I will stay home and wait for a metorite strike.:Nailbiting

Just watch out for the tsunami sweeping up the Solent. If you see the Isle of Wight go then you know that you have a problem on the way.
Having flown from Gatwick to Glasgow most weeks for the last 3 years, and having driven it half a dozen times as well I would fly every time (if working anyway!) it's far safer. I very rarely thought about getting blown up or checked out other passengers but that route tends to be business types even on squeezyjet.
Not sure I would be quite as comfortable flying every week to a "dodgy" destination but I suspect everyone has their own view of where and who is "dodgy". I was miffed when our daughter recently went on a weeks school trip to France but had their day trip to Paris cancelled because some parents weren't happy with the perceived risk - it's probably safer than London at the moment after the recent events and resulting increased security. The coach trips were probably the most dangerous elements of the trip by far!
Having flown from Gatwick to Glasgow most weeks for the last 3 years, and having driven it half a dozen times as well I would fly every time (if working anyway!) it's far safer. I very rarely thought about getting blown up or checked out other passengers but that route tends to be business types even on squeezyjet.
Not sure I would be quite as comfortable flying every week to a "dodgy" destination but I suspect everyone has their own view of where and who is "dodgy". I was miffed when our daughter recently went on a weeks school trip to France but had their day trip to Paris cancelled because some parents weren't happy with the perceived risk - it's probably safer than London at the moment after the recent events and resulting increased security. The coach trips were probably the most dangerous elements of the trip by far!
You say that but they had the Charlie Hebdo attack which surely resulted in an increase in security in the city and they still had the other attack less than a year later.

I run a caravan park and we sell static caravans in the last couple of years we have certainly noticed an increase in the numbers of people who want to just holiday in this country either because they feel it is safer or because they can't be doing with the hassle of getting through airports.

Me I'm happy to fly but we will be doing it less now we have the Cali. I would not however take my family to north Africa, Turkey or the middle east.
Obviously not into statistics and risk analysis!
It is not a pointless quote as it is meant to illustrate the degree of risk to the mathematically challenged.
If you want something a little more intense.

Exactly. We tend to take driving as being ok because the media just go for the stories that will sell.

Nobody is belittling those horrible events, but statistically more people die on Britain's roads as a result of RTAs *each year* than did in total during the entire 10+ years of the Afghan conflict. Yet which one makes the headlines?

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Safer in this country, possibly not??
Perhaps we are just better at stopping the baddies.

I'd definitely acknowledge the anxiety about travelling and the feeling of being more in control driving. But I do think the stats are useful as a way of bringing home the real risk.
I do a lot of miles and am getting increasingly concerned about mobile phone use....such a common sight now when you pass someone drifting in their lane or making sudden steering corrections.
So in terms of flying, I certainly find the 'more likely to get killed driving to the airport' stat helpful to rationalise things.

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I agree. I do quite a lot if commuting on a motorcycle. Over the years, the increase in traffic has increased the risk (my perception of risk has changed as I get older too!) most if the risks can be controlled to a degree but the amount of people coming towards me, drifting into my lane, not concentrating is quite alarming.

VW California Club
