Electric window fault



VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 150
Have an intermittent fault with driver’s electric window which means that it sometimes refuse to go up all the way and then comes back down. Just now it looked as if it was going to give up the ghost entirely and stay fully open but have just managed to coax it back into action and get it closed to give overnight security. Still under warranty and obviously will take to dealer but just wondered if anyone has experienced anything similar/ is it a common
Mine does this too, a while ago there was a post on how to 'educate' them.
Have you fitted wind deflectors in the channel? They sometimes cause this. You need to hold the button in the up position I think for 5 seconds to reset them
Thanks . No wind deflectors fitted.will check earlier posts for that info.
Hi @TrevorH - Appreciate this one goes back a while but had the same issue, in fact your post is a carbon copy right down to it partially closing and then failing wide open and then managing to get it working again/coaxing it back into position. Hugely frustrating - did you manage to get a resolution on yours in the end? Many thanks
Hi @TrevorH - Appreciate this one goes back a while but had the same issue, in fact your post is a carbon copy right down to it partially closing and then failing wide open and then managing to get it working again/coaxing it back into position. Hugely frustrating - did you manage to get a resolution on yours in the end? Many thanks
Hi Steve
It sorted itself of its own accord - not sure why it happened but was over a period of some weeks IIRC .It was behaving itself again by the time went in for service soon after and dealer found nothing wrong. In ensuing period hasn’t recurred but experience has left me slightly nervous that it might.

Sorry if this isn’t much help but would be good to hear if others have found it to be ’only’ a short term issue. Good luck with yours!
Hi Steve
It sorted itself of its own accord - not sure why it happened but was over a period of some weeks IIRC .It was behaving itself again by the time went in for service soon after and dealer found nothing wrong. In ensuing period hasn’t recurred but experience has left me slightly nervous that it might.

Sorry if this isn’t much help but would be good to hear if others have found it to be ’only’ a short term issue. Good luck with yours!
Cheers Trevor, really appreciate it and glad to hear that yours rectified itself - mine’s booked in for a week tomorrow under warranty but I really don’t want to take it down again now in case it freezes again, especially with the current weather! I’ll let you know what they say though in case it is some sort of intermittent fault - Thanks again!
Hi, I had the same issues on my T5. It got to the point were the passenger window, whilst driving opened fully and remained in that position. After a lot of searching I found one post that made sense to me. One that did not include replacing various parts worth a lot of money. It mentioned removing the driver side window switch, dismantling it and clean the small fiddly brass contacts inside. Mine had small nearly microscopic black dots on the contact points. I cleaned it with 1000 grit water paper, reassembled it and problem solved. Its been more than a year now with no further issues.

Hope this helps
Its usually the window seals being too tight, it thinks someones got there head jammed in the window & comes down again as a safety precaution.

Try a bit of spray on furniture polish in the groove of the seal - it will help the window slide easier.
Thanks for that - makes sense and will apply; problem I've got at the moment is after it completely giving up the ghost completely and locking wide open for a short time - now that it's closed I don't want to open it again for security and weather concerns should it lock open again.. It's in the dealer next week under warranty, sods law that guaranteed it will start behaving normally and come back no fault found! But hoping they can sort it - these sort of faults are worrying in a vehicle that's our home away from home so to speak.
Thanks for that - makes sense and will apply; problem I've got at the moment is after it completely giving up the ghost completely and locking wide open for a short time - now that it's closed I don't want to open it again for security and weather concerns should it lock open again.. It's in the dealer next week under warranty, sods law that guaranteed it will start behaving normally and come back no fault found! But hoping they can sort it - these sort of faults are worrying in a vehicle that's our home away from home so to speak.
VW Assistance - £150 or thereabouts, for 2 years. Run by the AA covers Continental Europe and priority access to Dealerships. We'll worth it.
Yes definitely - think that comes with new vehicles for a period - will have to check for how long.. would definitely get/ renew that though for peace of mind.
Yes definitely - think that comes with new vehicles for a period - will have to check for how long.. would definitely get/ renew that though for peace of mind.
3 yrs with new vehicles.

VW California Club
