Emissions Sticker (Germany, France & Austria) without V5?



Looking to buy
Due to a c*ck up by the garage, we are still without a V5 over a month after buying the vehicle, DVLA are doing their best to sort the issue, but we are now due to leave for Europe in less than 2 weeks, which is making me nervous that we struggle to apply for the emissions stickers we need for Germany, France & Austria with sufficient time to arrive before our trip.
Has anyone successfully applied for these stickers without having a V5, would a print out of the information from the DVLA website which allows you to check vehicle details suffice? It doesn't give owners details, but has vehicle details.

Alternatively I'll just have to suck it up and find an MOT test centre when we arrive in Germany to get one, but would be much easier to order them all in advance!
Firstly, why can't the DVLA provide a V5C in the available period?
Has the dealer not completed the paperwork correctly? If not I would be leaning on the them VERY heavily, written words to the CEO etc.

If all is in place the DVLA should be able to provide the V5C in good time especially if you talk to them nicely.

Secondly, the only time that I have used a German TUV station to supply an Umweltplakette they also needed to see the UK V5C before they could issue the sticker. Sorry to disappoint on this score.

Hi, in France no problem, just stop and pay in the peage. In Germany you need the green sticker but I have done more than 50000 km without it and no problem, in Austria I have driven for 2thousand km, my wife found out that we had to pay 100km before we left the country and insisted in paying.. no problem either. Conclusion, pay the pay the peage in France

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