Escaping to France....

Great looking viewpoint! And looks like your on your own?

Was very quiet on the road up , and much more beautiful views than say the Mont Ventoux , and everybody wants to cycle up the Ventoux.....!
Think we saw about 40 cycleyst on the Galibier ....thats all.
More motorbikes than bikes
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Beautiful. How I love the mountains. Missed this year but it won't be happening again. Enjoy

Had a good sleep on a very dark campsite .
Took of ather a shower heading to Grospierres where we are pitched up at the drive of a hollidayhome we often rent and we know the owner very well.
Reached 27celcius in the Ardeche....
Did a 1,5h walk and now on relaxing on the terras of the house....

Mieke enjoying the view....
She sits on a "dolmen" a stone where they used to bring the dead to the last restplace at the stoneage...always up a mountain closer to heaven
We agreed if she ever passes away we bring her ashes to this place....poor thing don't quite realise she is sitting on her own grave....
She like's to come here (don't know how many times we been here ,at least twice a year)and always she wants to go up that stone , with a litle help from me ...we brought her here when she was stil a pup
Did only 125km today , crossing the Rhone-valley and entering the Ardeche .
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Sunset view from the Cali this evening...
Nice pix, love the porshes too. Is next after my california on my bucket list :)
Your photographs are great Wim. What a fabulous holiday!

I am not the slightest bit jealous................................errrh.......well ok, perhaps just a little bit. Have a great time. :thumb
Leaving the Ardeche on sundaymorning and headed for Beaumes-de-Venises where we will be spending the week at my wife's brother thogether with his wife and 11y old daughter who is always so happy we come over....we brought her to school this morning , she was so smiling when we dropped her of at school:)
Nothing much planned here , other than emptying a bottle of wine every day:D
Head back home on sunday , in one ride over the motorway stopovers ....sorry guys:cool:

Oh , themps are already up 25celcius before noon!
Still in the sunny France , themps are still reaching almost 30celcius .
Noting much we have done than enjoying the family bonding . Sitting on and off in the sun/shade . Eating nice food drinking nice wine....the weight i put on in one week France....!!!
Small walks but before noon or else to hot!
Things you see in France....?!
Realy came up to this on a roundabout
As the French gave the liberty statute to New York .
We where in the region where they made it...
Not much Cali related but still a nice view.....
As said above gaining weight every day.
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Been wearing my new Icebraeker shirt today ...
Nice ain't ....
Yeah go ahaed lauch away with my hat !
My head wil not get sunburn:kiss
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Now we can use a home-kitchen instead Cali-coocking , mrs. H.C can do even more magic.....
Back home in Belgium .
Stayed the 2nd week at my wifes brother in theire house .
Had rainshowers sathurday morning and evening .
Also during our ride back home sevral heavy rainshowers...
Shame as we had wonderfull weather the rest of the days on our trip as you probally seen on the pic's

Left the place this morning afther breakfast and saying goodbye at 9am for a 1000km ride over the toll ways , only stoped twice . Very short stop 10 min max to go to toilet and letting the dog stretch her legs. The 2nd to top-up 15l diesel witch brought us home .( filling the tank back home = cheaper than on the motorway)
As usual i drove the whole time , i like driving myself ;)
Did 9,5 hours on the 1000km had no trouble at all in Lyon where we passed arround 11.30am (drove thru the centre using the tunnels not all theway round)Nice to drive in France on sunday without the big trucks .
Only 70 km from home.....yes in Brussels a minor traffic jam slowing us down about 15min. The thing i hate so much and happens every time , afther such a long drive a traffic jam so close to home:headbang
What the display showed :
Average speed 108km/h
Average 8,9l / 100km

When we got at 2 km from home filled up the tank and suprised i was , 78l getting in the tank....! Ok the warning light was on a while but certainly the tank was not empty.
As they say 80l in the tank?

Done a total of 2700 km in two weeks , the most in the first week as we just did some trips to the nearby of my brother in law house the 2nd week.
The total amount of burned diesel i need to count out later...
Great report @hotel california! Where are you going next?
I might missed it in an older posts of you, you do have the 2.5 TDI engine right? I think I got the same avarage disel/100 km and I can go around 1000km with 80l (driving around in Switzerland is a mixture of motorways and small stop and go towns).
Happy Monday!
No ot is a 2012 SE 140bhp , so not 2,5 but 2 l engine;)

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