Fan dango



VIP Member
T5 SE 174
I'm pasting this from the heating sub-forum as it didn't get any responses there...

Well, we're committed, so we're Finland.
But a few weeks ago I thought I'd better get my 2007 T5SE checked over, especially to see why the fan (by the radiator) is running the whole time. 3 garages later (2 head scratchers and 1 competent) and the part required won't be in until after we leave - a wiring loom for the heating system. The fault code showing is P1641 which states, enigmatically, "Read DTC memory of A/C control panel". The garage (wisely!) won't say it'll be fine to go on our trip, but we're committed. Though the fan is going all the time, the engine temperature is fine, and cabin temperature isn't an issue - we have jumpers, if needs be. Has anyone had a similar problem and can advise?
Search the web for Golf fan issues. Ever read War and Peace?
Sounds like a similar issue.
Basically the Climatronic panel has its one diagnostic code system. Easy to interrogate, again Google it.
After that, it could be the fan control unit.

A good read if you’re that way inclined.

VW California Club
