First California button in side of cab



Novice California Owner
bexley, kent
T5 SE 180 4Motion
Had my first trip out on Friday for one night, fantastic. Felt very strange not lugging loads of camping stuff spending lots of time putting it up, bedding out then having to put it all away aagin the next day...nicely strange as we just drove off.
We pulled in raised the roof, swivelled chairs and we were done...
Heater on in the night, toasty warm on number 2.
Question, what is the black button on the left side of the drivers cab wall of the van low down in line with the chair backrest, as you look into the cab on the left there is black button there, looks like a heater ????
Any ideas and how to use, have looked at manual none the wiser.
Is that if your in the van or if you leave your dog in there?
SO I can have the alarm activated when inside sleeping? ingenious....
If you leave the Cali on a campsite with the roof up you can set the alarm without the sensors so there is no (nuisance) false alarms due to wind etc.
So I have the button but how do you know if it is activated? It doesn't indicate when pressed. Look at the little red lights?
So I have the button but how do you know if it is activated? It doesn't indicate when pressed. Look at the little red lights?
From memory it can only be set via the open drivers door and when the sliding door is closed. I think it then turns orange when pressed. Close the driver's door and lock with the key fob as normal. It is in the manual if I have got it slightly wrong. :thumb

Been meaning to look at the book but as I can't see the button most of the time, I forget. Tend only to remember when in the back when it wouldn't be lit then.

Been meaning to look at the book but as I can't see the button most of the time, I forget. Tend only to remember when in the back when it wouldn't be lit then.
Best not to lock and alarm with the remote when you are sleeping in the Cali as it is too easy to open the side door and set the alarm off.
Just use the lock button on the drivers door then open and lock the sliding door with the lever and large lock button on the sliding door.
You should use the deactivation button on ferries. Sometimes they actually specify it should be done. Especially on the Bay of Biscay runs.
Best not to lock and alarm with the remote when you are sleeping in the Cali as it is too easy to open the side door and set the alarm off.
Just use the lock button on the drivers door then open and lock the sliding door with the lever and large lock button on the sliding door.
And the default locking with the remote is a deadlock, meaning you can't get out - this stops toerags from breaking the window, reaching in and opening the doors, but if you're inside it will impede your escape in an emergency.
Lock the doors with the button on the driver's door; no alarm set, secure, but able to get out quickly.
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Had my first trip out on Friday for one night, fantastic. Felt very strange not lugging loads of camping stuff spending lots of time putting it up, bedding out then having to put it all away aagin the next day...nicely strange as we just drove off.
We pulled in raised the roof, swivelled chairs and we were done...
Heater on in the night, toasty warm on number 2.
Question, what is the black button on the left side of the drivers cab wall of the van low down in line with the chair backrest, as you look into the cab on the left there is black button there, looks like a heater ????
Any ideas and how to use, have looked at manual none the wiser.
As many on the Champagne Meet will have noted, that's the button Mrs Amarillo failed to press when she left Meg in the van and we wondered around meeting people. On my return to the van, with Ben on my shoulders, Meg, who until then had been perfectly still, jumped up at the window, setting off the internal sensor alarm, causing 47 other people to mutter, "who's that numpty who's left their dog in the van without deactivating the interior sensor alarm?" Meanwhile I was struggling to decant Ben from my shoulders so I could fumble in my pockets for my keys with horn blaring, lights flashing, dog barking and Ben howling in complete terror - poor boy!

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I think closing the doors and pressing the lock button on the fob twice achieves the same can check by looking at the little red light by the stops flashing
From memory it can only be set via the open drivers door and when the sliding door is closed. I think it then turns orange when pressed. Close the driver's door and lock with the key fob as normal. It is in the manual if I have got it slightly wrong. :thumb
On mine the red colour when the internal (volumetric?) sensor is activated is virtually invisible in the daylight, you can just see it if you cup your hands around it. But it glows a bright yellow when it's deactivated so that's ok. And yes, I can only change it from the open driver's door plus it retains the setting until you actively change it. I'm happy I've got the hang of this 'cos the alarm never went off on the small Outer Hebridean ferries a while ago while others were blaring away, to the obvious non-consternation of the crew who seemed immune to the racket.

On the other hand my alarm has never gone off and never been tested so maybe it just doesn't work....

Think thats the button to de-activate the interieur sensors from the alarm .
I don't have it but i think it is the button you mention.
Others wil correct me if wrong
Yes that's correct. Essential to activate on ferry trips as ships motion can cause the alarm to think the vehicle is being moved. Amazing how many people don't do it though despite ther being a rminder over the broadcast on the ferry.

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