Fitting Spacemate with Brandrup boot carpet

  • Thread starter m10chkcalifornia
  • Start date


VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 150
Looking for a bit of advice. I have just taken delivery of a brand new Spacemate 2 and have gone to fit it. Our Cali (we are second owner) came with full Brandrup carpet set including the boot. So I cannot access the floor rails with the carpet in place. Does this mean I have to dispense with the boot carpet if I want to fit the Spacemate? If so that seems a bit of a shame and wish I had known about it beforehand. Doh!
Moved carpet just enough to put the two bolts in . Carpet does not stick out to far in my 6 1
Sell the boot carpet, you won’t require it with the spacemate ..which you will not regret
Thanks - yes. I was coming to that conclusion. I have removed carpet to fit the Spacemate and concluded that I wouldn't know whether it was there or not!!
I sat my Space Mate on top of the carpet which was covering the wooden floor, just needed to move the carpet forward an inch or so to allow the locking bolts to slot in. Left the carpet in as protects the floor.
We had this issue.

You can move the carpet forward enough to allow the spacemate to be installed and the carpet sit underneath - but then....what's the point of the carpet.

We instead found it useful moving the carpet into the living area. We had the carpet with three rails, meaning that whilst the chair could go forward and back, crumbs/dirt still got trapped. So we put the boot carpet in there and it fitted perfectly for those times/seasons when we didn't need to bring the bench forward (ie - winter months).

VW California Club
