Fridge and Heater not working




Please could anyone help?

I have a 2009 T5 California.

My fridge and overnight heater have stopped working.
The fridge fuse is fine and in fact (oddly) the fridge occasional 'fires up' and cools fine, but then stops.

The leisure batteries are fully charged (as fast as I know) and I used an electric hookup last week, but still no joy.

The earth shunt has been fixed. Would anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you,
Hi Gary,

As your earth shunt has been modified I would check the condition of your leisure batteries.

Check the voltage, are they being charged ?

So to check your voltages use a voltmeter or check the central overhead control panel voltage.They should be in the order of 12.5 V for healthy batteries which should go up to around 13.5 V when you connect your mains hook up lead to your Cali.

Finally the large fuse on the positive terminal of the rear leisure battery can be problematic.

Caution as both leisure batteries are connected in parallel be very careful. I would always disconnect both earth connections of BOTH leisure batteries before removing the fuse on the positive terminal of the rear battery.

Once removed you can check the fuse has not blown then clean its contacts before replacing with a bit of Vaseline (KY jelly). Vaseline makes a good electrical contact grease.

Hi John,

Many thanks for your help.

The batteries are showing 12.5v. I recall that I saw around 14v when connected to the hookup. Both leisure batteries were replaced for new ones by VW Van Centre Birmingham around 12 months ago.

Interesting to hear about the rear leisure battery. Thanks for the tip. I'll give that a try.

Odd that the fridge occasionally works. The heater worked fine until a few weeks ago.


VW California Club
