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Fridge Electrics - Relay



tr7 3js
T5 SE 174
My fridge is u/s!
I have checked the relay operation with it out of the van and it works!
What I would like to know is should the relay 'Click' when I attempt to switch it on from the overhead even if the control unit is faulty?



New owner!
My fridge is u/s!
I have checked the relay operation with it out of the van and it works!
What I would like to know is should the relay 'Click' when I attempt to switch it on from the overhead even if the control unit is faulty?



New owner!
If the control unit believes there is a fault with the fridge it won’t engage the relay.

The control panel considers three type of fridge faults.

1. The fridge thermostat is faulty (out of range) or not connected / shorted.

2. The fridge controller is sending a error signal ( Pin D) on Fridge ECU to the Control Panel and thus the Panel will store error and stop the fridge

3. The control panel doesn’t see the correct electrical load on the output pin, ie it doesn’t see the fridge relay in the circuit.

I would suggest faulty control panel is least likely.

Happy to help with more detailed diagnosis when I am back home tomorrow.

But if you can take a photograph of the Hardware Menu in the diagnostics menu with the fault active then I can help, also if one of the lower right value is cycling between values, then take a photo of the two values.

Clear the faults and then try the fridge again then take a photo of the fault codes in the diagnostic menu as well.

Last edited:
Hello A
I have used the shorting link on the thermostat pins on the controller without any result!

I need to work out how to get the diagnostic menu up on the control panel!

Hello A
I have used the shorting link on the thermostat pins on the controller without any result!

I need to work out how to get the diagnostic menu up on the control panel!

@WelshGas has posted the way into the diagnostic menu lots, if you do a quick search.

But if you have shorted out the thermostat pins on the fridge controller - in reality that is all the control panel is doing (all be it via the relay and based on the fridge temp) - so more likely the fridge controller, fridge compressor or power feeds to the fridge is the root cause. The fridge does have a voltage threshold that it won’t work below.
Hello A
I have used the shorting link on the thermostat pins on the controller without any result!

I need to work out how to get the diagnostic menu up on the control panel!

1. Hold down the centre of the rotary button together with the menu button (button below with the squares on it)

2. You will get the hidden menu.

3. Rotate the rotary button to get to "VW diagnose" and select this by pressing on the centre of the rotary button.

4. If no errors are present it will display "no errors"

5. If Errors are present then a list of errors will appear

6. Press the centre of the rotary button again to delete all the errors

7. Repeat process above just to check that errors have dissapeared!

8. Re-configure the time and date if neccesary.

Any problems should be resolved assuming these are Electronic and not Mechanical.

Error Codes from Control Panel.

1 = 1 = Pop-up roof

2 = 2 = Plumbing Heating

3 = 3 = Cool box Cooler

4 = 4 = Sewage wastewater

5 = 5 = Fresh water

6 = 6 = Outside temperature

7 = 7 = Battery

Error Code Defect Fault

1010 1010 Short-circuit to (earth) roof

1001 1001 Fuse / short circuit to (plus+) roof

1100 1100 Short-circuit output Roof "on"

1101 1101 Fuse roof "to"

1110 1110 Short-circuit output Roof "to"

1111 1111 Fuse starting Roof "to"

2100 2100 Short-circuit output heating on / off

2101 2101 Fuse output heating on / off

2001 2001 Interrupt input heating 30

3100 3100 Short-circuit output coolbox

3101 3101 Fuse interrupt output coolbox

3001 3001-J698-cooler input error "Active"

3010 3010 Short-circuit input icebox "actual temperature"

3011 3011 Interrupt or fuse input icebox "actual temperature"

4000 4000 Short-circuit to ground water level sensor

4001 4001 Fuse circuit to plus water level sensor failure

5000 5000 Short-circuit to ground water level sensor

5001 5001 Short circuit to plus water level sensor failure

6000 6000 Short-circuit to ground temperature sensor or for outdoor temperature

6001 6001 Fuse / short circuit to plus two temperature sensors for outside temperature

7001 7001 interrupt input interrupt input D +
@WelshGas has posted the way into the diagnostic menu lots, if you do a quick search.

But if you have shorted out the thermostat pins on the fridge controller - in reality that is all the control panel is doing (all be it via the relay and based on the fridge temp) - so more likely the fridge controller, fridge compressor or power feeds to the fridge is the root cause. The fridge does have a voltage threshold that it won’t work below.
I also connected a battery direct to the controller and nothing happened!

I also connected a battery direct to the controller and nothing happened!

Probably fridge controller - speak to Penguin refrigeration for further advice and replacement part if they recommend it.

I have error codes 3101, 3001, 3010 and 3011 is it still looking like the controller?

I have error codes 3101, 3001, 3010 and 3011 is it still looking like the controller?

Is that with all the wires back to normal and with you having cleared the codes and then read them ?
Do I need to refit the controller? I did connect it directly to a battery with no response :(
If you have removed the fridge controller than don’t worry about all the fault codes, it will log all the faults possible with it disconnected
If you have removed the fridge controller than don’t worry about all the fault codes, it will log all the faults possible with it disconnected
It's actually cancelled them all and the relay is clicking!

I removed the controller! Do you think the controller could be ok?

I removed the controller! Do you think the controller could be ok?

If the control panel doesn’t have any faults and the relay is clicking. Then my guess is that the Fridge controller was flagging an error when switched on. So I still think it is the Fridge Controller.

If the control panel doesn’t have any faults and the relay is clicking. Then my guess is that the Fridge controller was flagging an error when switched on. So I still think it is the Fridge Controller.

Thank You A


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