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Happy Things/Thoughts/Videos/Jokes

Maybe we should do something similar.

SIR – We took a taxi to explore Madeira (Letters, May 12) and remarked on the rarity of potholes. “Oh,” said our driver, “if we report a pothole and nothing happens, we plant a palm tree in it.”

Merrilyn Boorman
Lenham, Kent
Maybe we should do something similar.

SIR – We took a taxi to explore Madeira (Letters, May 12) and remarked on the rarity of potholes. “Oh,” said our driver, “if we report a pothole and nothing happens, we plant a palm tree in it.”

Merrilyn Boorman
Lenham, Kent
Okay I know this is the funnies thread but... I visited Madeira a few years ago and was gobsmacked by the extent and standards of the roads, tunnels through the island interior etc. A bit of googling and it turns out the EU has contributed literally billions of euros to infrastructure and other programmes in Madiera over the past decades. So filling in the odd pothole isn't really a problem I guess.

I'll get my coat.
That driving test is a lot more stringent than a Sri Lankan motorbike test. I was working there and I kept getting stopped at roadblocks ( there was a war going on ) and told my UK license was invalid so I decided to get a Sri Lankan one. The test was to ride 100 yds up the road at the test centre, turn and come back.
Whilst travelling to Holy Island I spotted possibly the worlds quirkiest and smallest Airbnb. I'm surprised Robson Green hasn't spent a night or two in there.
Whilst driving back from the glorious Northumberland, down the incomparable A1 – is this the only road in the UK that has glorious tarmac and no potholes? Anyway, I digress. I came across this sight just south of Alnwick. Normally people go to music festivals and leave their tents or throw them over a hedge. This is the first time I have seen a caravan backed into a hedge and left for someone to clear up. I wonder if anyone has done this with their Cali? You know there must be some rich Baby Boomer who just thinks – I can’t be bothered filling it up with diesel or cleaning the cooker or emptying the ash tray – let’s just drive it into a hedge and clear off… Just a thought!

Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg to hold a cage fight.

Why can’t we bolt them into a 6m sub and send them to look at the Titanic?
I’ve been on a small sub years back. Only down to 145ft, which to be honest was enough. Great experience, but not something I would do again. It’s very confined and if something goes wrong, you really are in a heap of mess.

That capsule they’ve gone in…
Jesus, alarm bells would’ve been ringing when he pulled out the Logitech control pad.
I feel most sorry for the young lad. Very sad.
I feel sorry for the young lad.
Wasn’t his choice was it…

It is a terrible situation.

But around 500 desperate migrants drowned off the coast of Greece last week. They received fewer rescue resources than these five, less news coverage, and probably less sympathy.

It is a terrible situation.

But around 500 desperate migrants drowned off the coast of Greece last week. They received fewer rescue resources than these five, less news coverage, and probably less sympathy.

If the 5 rich men will be (hopefully) rescued, it is unlikely that a lot more rich men will try to repeat the voyage. If the 750 migrants are all immediately rescued with multi million operations, there will be a lot more that will repeat.

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