Hello & Thank You !



T5 SE 180
Hi everyone !
We've finally done it - bought our first California, a 2014 180 DSG SE. Just wanted to say 'hello' and to also to thank all of you experienced California owners for contributing to the absolutely fabulous font of knowledge on the forums. Hours and hours of amazing reading and such a great help when trying to make decisions. Really appreciated.....
Many thanks
:welcome .....having to wait what is starting to feel like an eternity for mine......but worth it in the end.
Now time to enjoy! :welcome
Great stuff , welcome !
Many thanks !

Lots to learn but managed to survive the first night away without too many disasters. We hired a couple of vans before taking the plunge - the first was a non VW 'generic' conversion done on the cheap. The roof creaked more than an old Square Rigger whilst driving along but at least it drowned out the rattles ! Following that we rented a privately owned T5 SE, found through this forum and had a great time, hence our new lovely lady and the prospect of many adventures together.
welcome to the forum enjoy your new toy.
Mmm - never done this before but I'll have a go. Dark Wood is the colour which I think was previously Samoa on other VAG group cars.

Version 2.jpg
A big hello from me :welcome:welcome :thumb
What a friendly bunch ! I feel privileged to be part of such a great community & very much appreciate the welcome.

Many posts seem to include moving emojis - please could someone point out how to find these and include where appropriate?

Many thanks

I had tried clicking on the emoji before but with no effect. Closed down browser, re-booted and all the emoji options are shown. :thumb
A great looking van there! Welcome, enjoy :thumb
:cheers get those beers in the fridge and get yer sen off
Lovely Cali, welcome and enjoy. :welcome
:) Thanks everyone. Went away to Northumberland last W/E - great fun but still a few things to sort out. Currently making sides for the wind out awning which are starting to look pretty reasonable. We were really lucky to find a van with so many great accessories - CoziTop, Duvaly, Brandrup roof liner to name but a few. Even a full set of winter wheels and tyres so we're the only limiting factor....
Hi have a look at this youtube video from California camping, With a little alterations thought it was worth a try
Thanks Glen - fingers crossed ours will fit a little better than Aldi side panels ;)
Thanks Glen - fingers crossed ours will fit a little better than Aldi side panels ;)
For anyone interested, the home made panels are almost complete & I've posted a new thread with a couple of pictures on the Wind-out Awning section of the forum.
For anyone interested, the home made panels are almost complete & I've posted a new thread with a couple of pictures on the Wind-out Awning section of the forum.
Hi I found lots on YouTube that is helpful. California camping is just one really nice couple Shaun and Lizzy not forgetting Bentley . Do some good reviews on things like 12 volts tv and there adventures. Definitely worth a watch. Ps don’t know if they subscribe to VWCC l will have to ask ? Still waiting for my Cali ocean to arrive. Glen
Hi I found lots on YouTube that is helpful. California camping is just one really nice couple Shaun and Lizzy not forgetting Bentley . Do some good reviews on things like 12 volts tv and there adventures. Definitely worth a watch. Ps don’t know if they subscribe to VWCC l will have to ask ? Still waiting for my Cali ocean to arrive. Glen

They do.

VW California Club
