High pitched whine in region of rear offside light cluster



VIP Member
T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
Hi there,

Went out to the 'van this morning to be confronted to a loud high pitched whine from the region of the rear offside light cluster. All electrics are working ok. The rear parking sensors work fine. The internal heater blower is ok. No warning lights on dashboard display. Vehicle drives ok...but the noise just follows me! In fact when inside the vehicle you can hardly hear the noise.

I do have a third party tow bar fitted and I know the electrics are in the section just behind the rear offside light cluster but I have taken the plastic cover off inside and cannot hear any noise coming from the inside.

No obvious puncture....

Any suggestions or is it just a case of contacting the dealer tomorrow

Best wishes

Re: High pitched whine in region of rear offside light clust

It may be related to the tow bar but difficult to say. I hope that it has been coded and you have genuine VW electrics otherwise you are probably going to have problems caused by the tow bar that you have had fitted.

When does it make the noise? All the time, when ignition on or off? Is the ignition on and reverse selected?


VW California Club
