Hi, I have just imported a 25 year old LHD Cali from the UK to Spain, where I live. I am in the process of changing the registration to Spain but the vehicle needs to go through homologation. Does anyone know if this is a test of things inside the van eg, cooker, fridge etc. If anyone can tell me what they test exactly I would be so grateful.
I have been searching for hours but cannot find the specifics of this process. Even my gestoria (legal admin) does not know !
I want to fit a new cooker and sink in the van because it has the original which uses methalayted spirits. Maybe homologation will be simpler if I leave the original cook sink combi in??
I have been searching for hours but cannot find the specifics of this process. Even my gestoria (legal admin) does not know !
I want to fit a new cooker and sink in the van because it has the original which uses methalayted spirits. Maybe homologation will be simpler if I leave the original cook sink combi in??