How to ventilate in heavy rain ?



VIP Member
T5 SE 180 4Motion

Am I missing a trick as to how to ventilate the Cali at night when the rain is really heavy and the roof is down?

The night before last I kept the window in the sliding door open slightly (with the fly mesh screen fitted) but that let in some water. So last night I closed all the windows and of course woke to misted windows this morning.

Apart from fitting wind deflectors so that I can leave the front windows open slightly, is there any other way of ventilating during heavy rain?

Thanks.... Susi
I would say the best bet is front deflectors they % wise to other Cali extras very cheap.There is also the air latch extender that fits to the rear latch (but - I have not use one)
May I ask why have the roof down?

I leave mine up in heavy rain and that normally provides plenty of ventilation.

It can be a bit difficult in VERY high winds but otherwise no problems with roof up.
We use the Brandrup airscreens , not only to ventilate if the roof is down but nearly at all time.
We always take our dog and so fresh air is needed ....
On the ferry very useful , when hot , in rain ...roof up or down takes two minutes to put in .
They lay flat on the rear shelf in the booth.
Look at the pic i posted in this tread....

More info here...

Also got the Brandrup air vent , a smal divice put in place letting the booth open a few cm. and fully locking the doors , no acces posible.
Also visible in the link above.
Wouldn't recommend sleeping with roof down and all windows closed. Get some dubflectors they look good and front windows can be left open without anyone knowing they are open.
Talking of ventilation, and I know it's a drum I constantly bang,

but good or bad ventilation ...

Calipuds, have you bought a CO detector yet?
Thank you so much everybody for your replies and advice... I will research them all today (Wim, I got a bit distracted by the lovely pictures of your pizzas and had to have another snack as they were making me hungry!!)

GrannyJen I will get bolder with the roof and the rain as I go, and yes, I bought the CO detector many months ago, in fact I am obsessed with them as someone's wife at work died a few years ago (faulty gas boiler in house). That sort of memory does not leave you.... Just trying to work out the best place to put it, as the opinions in this forum seem to vary, but at least it lives permanently in the Cali and I test it every night!

Thanks all.... More shopping, but all good :thumb
We had this problem on holiday with none of the aforementioned deflectors etc. Solved by winding the awning out about half a meter lifted one leg higher than other to allow rain to run off then left sliding door window open. We were in a campsite and not worried about security.

VW California Club
