Surely, the whole point of visiting Scotland is to enjoy:
the scenery
the tranquility
the isolation
relatively quiet roads
good places to eat
it avoids flying
Cali owners wanting to visit for the first time are using this forum to ask for advice and, by-and-large are getting information based on pre-covid 19 experience.
My feeling, based on feedback from friends and neighbours in Assynt, one of the most beautiful parts of the mainland, is that for the time-being Scotland is best avoided. It is, quite simply, overcrowded with tourists to the point where most of the reasons for visiting are negated.
I would love to be proved wrong. Lets hear from those who do venture north of the border on how their holiday went. I do not plan to visit again until the autumn at the very earliest, but would happily return sooner if I have been misinformed.
the scenery
the tranquility
the isolation
relatively quiet roads
good places to eat
it avoids flying
Cali owners wanting to visit for the first time are using this forum to ask for advice and, by-and-large are getting information based on pre-covid 19 experience.
My feeling, based on feedback from friends and neighbours in Assynt, one of the most beautiful parts of the mainland, is that for the time-being Scotland is best avoided. It is, quite simply, overcrowded with tourists to the point where most of the reasons for visiting are negated.
I would love to be proved wrong. Lets hear from those who do venture north of the border on how their holiday went. I do not plan to visit again until the autumn at the very earliest, but would happily return sooner if I have been misinformed.