Important: VIP Membership Discounts



VIP Member
T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
It has recently come to our attention from several of our club partners that people have been trying to obtain VIP Membership discounts without being a member of the club.

This would not normally be a problem but we feel it is unfair to people that have paid for VIP membership and at a cost of just £10 per year you will normally get your £10 back with your first purchase.

The VIP membership charge of £10 goes straight back into the club and pays for the website, hosting, prizes for competitons and also all the cost that go into meets ie: marquees, field rental etc...

We are NOT a business, the club is run by members for its members.

So when ordering with any of our partners now you will need to quote your forum username which can then be confirmed by a staff member.

Thanks for reading and I hope you understand this situation.

The VW California Owners Club
Personally I think that even if you put the discounts to one side £10 is a small price to pay for access to all the great advice and support generated by the members and hosted in the forum – particularly when thinking about the cost of the things we are talking about! I know people are used to getting lots of stuff for free on the internet, and sometimes expect it for some reason, but I don’t see a problem in paying for good quality advice and guidance that really adds value (mind you I also make small donations for valuable “freeware” on my computer too – same principle, if nobody pays the real costs cant be covered).

It's an emotive subject and one that I have come across many times.

I am a moderator on other VAG forums, one of which has a premium section much like the section here. In general people understand the situation with regard to putting a little in to get a lot out but there is a very definite element who think and assume that the internet is free and have no concept of hosting charges and even the personal commitment and time involved in building, running and moderating such things.

I also run two VAG information websites of my own, not forums but information resources and How To's. I fund these in their entirety from my own pocket for the good of the community and neither seek nor receive any payments - maybe I should but my point is really again that there are costs involved in hosting, especially if you get large volumes of traffic.

One more thing on the discount aspect. In the current climate all retailers are looking to sell and are willing to offer discounts so you cannot stop retailers, regardless of if they belong to a specific scheme that you administer here or elsewhere, offering their products at a discount to a willing buyer. This comment is really aimed more at a post by Kev in another thread where he stated that a non VIP should not have got a discount and whilst I can agree with his sentiments it's really out of his control and a matter for the buyer and seller. Kev it's not a dig at you either, it's just my thoughts.
CJ's......Cheap Jacks......

£10 to join and all the time taken by the people that look after the club, we should all be grateful......
Stu. My concern is that we have already had one very good partner pull out because the discount
Code was posted on the Internet for all to see . Our partners are good enough to offer a member discount in return for us advertising and pushing their products. If they factor in those costs advertising etc they probably could not afford to offer the discount
We need to be sensible about this and make it fair :thumb
Cheers kev
I wasn't suggesting otherwise Kev, just pointing out how it really is.

As an example - You run a nice little thing here to help people out with useful items which is great. If someone from 'the outside' said I want to buy XYZ from your little store are you going to dig your heals in and say sorry mate no or are you going to take his money, thank him and send his goods??

I think we both know the answer and sadly, pride, and to some extent loyalty cannot get in the way of economics.

It's the same with retailers, money in the till is what they want largely regardless of where it comes from.

I wouldn't condone the posting of discount codes exclusive to membership here but I think once you open something to the general public you lose control.
As a matter of interest who pulled out and what were the terms of their offer?
I'm not able to tell you that stu but all our partners make it clear that they don't want it broadcasting everywhere before they offer a discount. I know it does you say word gets out there is nothing stopping you from telling your mates about it but the company's soon cotton on and pull the plug.and it also makes it more difficult for us to negotiate in the future
Also if everybody is getting the discount it makes all this pointless
I think you are quite right. People pay their £10 and are able to get discounts and it's unfair on them if others claim them without contributing to the Club.
On as slightly different point the club provides a huge amount of information at no cost and I guess that we all owe you and the others a big vote of thanks for what you do.
And also..... a personal thank you as I saved 12.5% with SMG at Cowfold when I bought my seat covers there (Brandrupp, so hugely expensive, I must be mad) so for me my £10 VIP membership has been great, I'd be pleased to pay it just to belong to the club so the discounts are icing on the cake. Thanks again
I waited a long time before paying £10.

I paid not for the discounts, but the fact you guys had created a great on-line community and that comes through all the hardwork you all put in.

I've now also made it back in discounts.

Just a thought for the future. I know SMG sponsor the forum, but have any VW garages thought about throwing membership in when they sell the Cali.... Now that would be value!
why not have areas on the forum that only vip can reply to .or vip only see .i paid my £10 as i know how much hard work you guys do . :thanks .just ordered my matterss topper .got my £10 back .but if not for this forum i would of not known of these for sale .
saved bundles so far

Kamper cosi - Saved £20
Mats saved £11
Brandrup pockets saved £22
Wind Deflectors saved £5

so that makes me £48 in profit :barmy :barmy
That's brilliant one well equipped cali :thumb :thumb :thumb
This website is just really rather refreshing, and I am constantly impressed and inspired by the incredible help it has given me when purchasing my new Cali. Without this site I would have been maybe 60% less prepared at least! A huge huge help and clearly with some genuine and very kind folk working to keep it going. I really do miss the UK when I see you all helping and working so hard together! Inspired.. and homesick... :lol: :lol:

GREAT WORK!!!! all those doing it! :thanks :thanks so much better ' on the continent ' the van is made for it.....
I too paid my £9.99 ----- not for the discount, but for this excellent site, one of the best laid out Forums that I have been on. Thanks to all who give their time and energy. Who needs F book
Richard ( awaiting my second Cali )
Thank you Richard. Very nice of you to say. we have a great team here working behind the scenes our main aim is to keep it fresh and modern looking and friendly and informative.
Again thanks

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