Interior space in Cali



T5 Beach

I have decided that I am to become the owner of a Cali Ocean but I need some clarification over the "boot" space. Can anyone advise of the dimensions of the clear boot width and depth when the bench seat is in its usual position.

Many thanks
Welcome on board .
There are existing posts that mention the mesures of the booth area , but not everyone uses the same bench and shelf position.
Best solution? Go to dealer and measure - you will certain of what you get then. I did this and no probs with luggage etc. Fits like a glove in my set up. (On day 37 of my first overseas trip taking in 7 countries).

I have decided that I am to become the owner of a Cali Ocean but I need some clarification over the "boot" space. Can anyone advise of the dimensions of the clear boot width and depth when the bench seat is in its usual position.

Many thanks

Hi. It's true what HC says. Best to measure one in a dealership because for example if You push the seat back next to the parcel shelf you can measure his space but just by moving the seat forward one notch you might find that you can carry a load in slightly different way which increases the capacity without any detrimental effect to interior cabinspace. It's very flexible situation that you can adjust the space to your needs. This morning I decided to lie a bag longitudinally and this was possible because I moved the seat less than 1" into the cabin.

VW California Club
