Iso-top mk V installation



Looking to buy
Hello from Danmark
I just started the installation of a brand new iso-top mk V, bought from the Forum shop. ln the package there is a string of about 1.3m with velcro at the ends. in the guide this is not mentioned, does anyone know what it is used for?
Someone just asked thesame Q a few days ago:
No answer yet , try to contact Brandrup ?
There must be a visuale of the other velcro part somewhere ?
Hello from Danmark
I just started the installation of a brand new iso-top mk V, bought from the Forum shop. ln the package there is a string of about 1.3m with velcro at the ends. in the guide this is not mentioned, does anyone know what it is used for?
View attachment 67629
You’re the 2nd person this week to post about that. It’s still a mystery :eek:
I found the answer in another thread. It is only used if you have the Big front opening.
That's why a posted the Q in post # 2 to look out for the other velcro parts...if you look sure you must see those...and know here the cord goes , but my guess it is more a bungee than a cord
That's why a posted the Q in post # 2 to look out for the other velcro parts...if you look sure you must see those...and know here the cord goes , but my guess it is more a bungee than a cord
It is not bungee cord and there is no visual velcro parts on the Iso-top. It is placed on the middle upper velcro pad in the sealing and on the lower velcro glued to the aluminium frame. The cord is used for attaching the front window opening, when it is rolled down.

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