Just starting



VIP Member
T5 SE 180
Hello All,
We are a family of 3, based in Paris but about the make a big life change and return to the UK. A brand new 180DSG (well, dealer demo with 16 miles on the clock) has just become the symbol of our big life change. We've brought it back from Hereford Van Centre to Paris, faultlessly, and are now waiting for it to stop raining heavily so we can go away for our first night! I am interested in a 5th seat and see there are a few for sale on the forum but don't seem to have the 'privileges' necessary to reply to sellers. Excuse my massive ignorance, but what do I have to do??
Join up as a VIP member. There are special rates for Overseas members. Then you get access to the Discounts/PM's etc.
See Membership button above.

Oh, and Welcome to the Club. Have Fun.:thumb
Welcome , just got back from France thursday and was raining a lot...was planning to stay until sathurday but got back earlyer .
Had some nice weather do the to weeks before.
Crossed the border in to Belgium and the sun came...
Hope your Cali sits in a garage , Paris is not a city i would like to park my Cali on the streets
Thanks WelshGas. I have an ongoing issue with paypal but will join via a bank transfer.

Hi Hotel California - sorry about the weather you have had here - we often get a very wet spring it seems to me. Yes, mine is garaged, with a couple of centimetres to spare on both sides and above on going through the doorway. Definitely a two person job!
Why on Earth are you wasting good cali leisure time waiting for it to stop raining?? :shocked

Rain never stopped Noah setting off for a bit of yachting!

A cali is for life, not just for good weather!

Oh, as the Gassy one said, join as a premium member.

OH! and another thing: Welcome :D

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